Course detail
Advanced Materials for Cutting Tools
FSI-9PMRAcad. year: 2023/2024
The subject acquaints students with the cutting tool materials. It deals with high speed steels, cemented carbides (without/with hard and wear resistant coatings), cermets, cutting ceramics and super hard tool materials (polycrystalline diamond and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride) from the viewpoint of their classification, marking, properties, production and use. The subject describes the newest tool materials of the top home and foreign cutting tools producers and methods of their coating - CVD, MTCVD, PVD and others.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Recommended participations in lessons. Compulsory and checked participations in exercises and labs .Attendance at lectures is recommended, it can be substituted by regular consultations with the teacher, by consultations on the selected professional workplace outside the faculty, or by visiting technical libraries, after previous agreement with the teacher.
The course familiarises students with advanced cutting tool materials (classification, marking, properties, production, producers, effective use).
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
DE VOS, Patrick, Jan-Eric STÅHL, Kateřina DUFKOVÁ, Miroslav PÍŠKA a Martin SLANÝ. Opotřebení řezných nástrojů: praktické zkušenosti. Fagersta: Seco Tools AB, 2014, 168 stran (CS)
HUMÁR, A. Materiály pro řezné nástroje. MM publishing s. r.o., Praha. 2008. 235s. ISBN 978-80-254-2250-2. (CS)
STAHL, J.-E. Metal Cutting Theories and Models. GB Seco Tools AB. 02858870 ST20126371. 2012. 580 pp. ISBN 978-91-673-1336-1. (EN)
Trent, M., Wright, K.: Metal Cutting.Butterworth–Heinemann, 2000.4th ed. 464 p. ISBN 0-7506-7069-X (EN)
Recommended reading
SANDVIK CZ s.r.o. Technická příručka obrábění. 2005. C-2900:3CZE/01. AB Sandvik Coromant 2005.10.
TECHNICKÉ MATERIÁLY, KATALOGY A PROSPEKTY firem Ceramtec, Ceratizit, Gühring, Iscar, Kennametal, Korloy, Mitsubishi, Pramet Tools, Sandvik Coromant, Seco, Walter, Widia.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2.Cemented carbides without coatings and their applications
3.Cemented carbides without coatings and their applications
4.Coated cemented carbides and their applications
5.Coated cemented carbides and their applications
6.Cermets and their applications
7.Cutting ceramics and its applications
8.Cutting ceramics and its applications
9.Polycrystalline diamond and its applications
10.Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride and its applications