Course detail
CAD System II
FSI-9SC2Acad. year: 2023/2024
Course continued practical and theoretical skills from course CAD systems I. Students will meet methods of surface and 3D modeling with using CAD systems.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
Students are expected to have basic knowledge of designing machine parts and machine nodes, as well as computer knowledge.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Active participation in consultations is necessary.
Exam will be take on the basic of presentation design work or on the basic work made by pattern and after consultaion/presentation.
Student attend a consultation.
Individual assignments and result checking.
Exam will be take on the basic of presentation design work or on the basic work made by pattern and after consultaion/presentation.
Student attend a consultation.
Individual assignments and result checking.
Course is explaining, how work with CAD systems on performance job.
Students will have an overview of CAD system properties used in the design and construction processes.
Students will have an overview of CAD system properties used in the design and construction processes.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
David Solomon: Geometric Modeling. Springer-Verlag 1999 (EN)
KLETEČKA, Jaroslav a Petr FOŘT. Technické kreslení. Brno: CP Books, 2005, 252 s. ISBN 80-251-0498-2. (CS)
LEINVEBER, Jan a Pavel VÁVRA. Strojnické tabulky: pomocná učebnice pro školy technického zaměření. 4., dopl. vyd. Úvaly: Albra, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7361-051-7. (CS)
Manuály k jednotlivým systémům CAD. Např.: HANSEN, L. Scott. Applied solidworks 2007-2008. 2nd ed. New York: Industrial, 2007. ISBN 978-083-1133-399. SHIH, Randy H. Parametric modeling with UGS NX 5. Mission: SDC Publications, 2006, 1 sv. (různé stránkování). ISBN 978-1-58503-408-6. (EN)
Rory O'nEILL: Creating 3D Worlds. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (EN)
KLETEČKA, Jaroslav a Petr FOŘT. Technické kreslení. Brno: CP Books, 2005, 252 s. ISBN 80-251-0498-2. (CS)
LEINVEBER, Jan a Pavel VÁVRA. Strojnické tabulky: pomocná učebnice pro školy technického zaměření. 4., dopl. vyd. Úvaly: Albra, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7361-051-7. (CS)
Manuály k jednotlivým systémům CAD. Např.: HANSEN, L. Scott. Applied solidworks 2007-2008. 2nd ed. New York: Industrial, 2007. ISBN 978-083-1133-399. SHIH, Randy H. Parametric modeling with UGS NX 5. Mission: SDC Publications, 2006, 1 sv. (různé stránkování). ISBN 978-1-58503-408-6. (EN)
Rory O'nEILL: Creating 3D Worlds. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (EN)
Recommended reading
Časopisy zaměřené na CAD a obecně výpočetní techniku.
Manuály k jednotlivým systémům CAD.
Podklady pro výuku na Internetových stánkách ÚST, FSI, VUT v Brně.
Manuály k jednotlivým systémům CAD.
Podklady pro výuku na Internetových stánkách ÚST, FSI, VUT v Brně.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
20 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
CAD systems in production process
Surfaces – presentation in graphics systems, surface properties
Surface modeler in CAD systems – common properties
Surface modeler
Surface analysis - tools
Data prepare, data exchange betweem CAD systems – data exhange formats
Data sharing using by Interner and Intranet
Data presentation - visualization
Surfaces – presentation in graphics systems, surface properties
Surface modeler in CAD systems – common properties
Surface modeler
Surface analysis - tools
Data prepare, data exchange betweem CAD systems – data exhange formats
Data sharing using by Interner and Intranet
Data presentation - visualization