Course detail
Technology of Polymer Processing
FCH-MC_TZPAcad. year: 2023/2024
Basic therms and sorting of technologies of plastics and ruber industry. After general introduction to rheology of fluids (polymeric melts) follow separate precesses of polymer processing, namely injection moulding, extrusion, calandering, pressing, polymeric fiber production methods, etc.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Successful laboratory classes
- laboratory classes
- written exam
- oral exam: two quetions according themes of lectures, advisement in way of possible processing of real plastic part, determination of production faults on some products and proposal of trouble shutting
Attendancy in lecture is recomended, succesfull go through all laboratory exercise is required.
processing – structure of polymer for particular types of proceeding a ability to define material requirement for given technology on engineer principle.
Gain knowledge about technologies used for polymer processing. Basic terms and principes of each technologies of polymer processing. The ability to design the technologic sequences by joining of unit operation, to form a point of view of ordination of technological lines. Deduction of used technology, identification of defect of produced parts and its removal.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Štěpek J., Zelinger J.,Kuta A.: Technologie zpracování a vlastnosti plastů. SNTL Praha, Praha 1989. (CS)
Recommended reading
Charrier J. - M.: Polymeric Materials and Processing. Hanser Publishers, New York 1990. (CS)
Jean-François Agassant, Pierre Avenas, Michel Vincent, Bruno Vergnes, Pierre J. Carreau, Polymer Processing, Verlag 2017 (CS)
Tomis F.: Gumárenská a plastikářská technologie. Zpracovatelské procesy. VUT v Brně, Brno 1987. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction and history of polymer processing.
2. Rheology of plastic melts
3. Treatment and prepare processing of polymer materials - basics of drying, dosing, milling, mixing. 4. Injection moulding – basic terms, injection moulding cycles, influence of conditions to quality.
5. Injection moulds - design of multiply, influx systems, basic principles of design of products.
6. Technology of injection moulding. Special and hybrid technology of injection moulding.
7. Extrusion -technology based on extrusion. Blow moulding.
8. Moulding – construction of presses, moulds, moulding technology.
9. Calendering -types of calenders a its use, calender technology, troubleshooting.
10. Cyclic processing ways. Thermoforming, blowing, technology, comparing to injection moulding.
11. Rotational moulding - materials, cycles, mould construction and product properties.
12. Foaming. Processing of fibres. Spinning - principles, modification of fibres.
13. Fastening - mechanical joint, bonding and adhesives. Welding. Plastics surface finishing.
Laboratory classes:
Basic operations in plastics and rubber technology, separate processes, materials, machines and equipments, energy requirements, prehandling of materials for processing, calendering, extrusion, injection moulding, fastening, surface finishing ,etc.
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer