Course detail
Studio Equipment 1
FEKT-BPC-VS1Acad. year: 2023/2024
Electronic musical instruments and their timbre, the parameters of the room in which the music is performed, the use of microphones and transducers for recording, analog and digital recording of music, recorded sound editing and its cut and linking.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
The knowledge of basic concepts of musical acoustics, tempo, expression and dynamic signs, and musical instruments tuning is required as well as musical intervals, scales and modes, chords and basic harmonic connections, timbres, capabilities and limitations of musical instruments and the influence of room acoustics on the interpretation of music.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Evaluation of study results follows Rules for Studies and Examinations of BUT and Dean's Regulation to the Rules for Studies and Examinations of BUT. Credit is given for creating of multitrack recording and processing of its mix.
To obtain the credit it is necessary to complete at least 10 exercises during semester. Other forms of the checked instructions are specified by a regulation issued by the guarantee of the course and updated for every academic year.
To obtain the credit it is necessary to complete at least 10 exercises during semester. Other forms of the checked instructions are specified by a regulation issued by the guarantee of the course and updated for every academic year.
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with electronic musical instruments and their timbre, the parameters of the room in which the music is performed, the use of microphones and transducers for recording, analog and digital recording of music, recorded sound editing and its cut and linking.
The student will be able to:
- name the types of electronic musical instruments and describe their principles,
- describe the timbre of electronic musical instruments,
- describe the parameters of the room in which the music is performed,
- describe the types of microphones, the different uses of these types, and their positions,
- describe the principle of analog and digital recording of music,
- use cutting and linking during the editing of the recorded audio.
The student will be able to:
- name the types of electronic musical instruments and describe their principles,
- describe the timbre of electronic musical instruments,
- describe the parameters of the room in which the music is performed,
- describe the types of microphones, the different uses of these types, and their positions,
- describe the principle of analog and digital recording of music,
- use cutting and linking during the editing of the recorded audio.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
FORRÓ, D. Domácí nahrávací studio. Praha: Grada Publishing, spol. s r. o.. 248 s. ISBN 80-7169-231-X. (CS)
FORRÓ, D. Počítače a hudba. Praha: Grada Publishing, spol. s r. o.. 320 s. ISBN 80-85623-57-9. (CS)
JIRÁSEK, O. Kytara a počítač. Praha: Nakladatelství Computer Press, a.s., 2006. 296 s. ISBN 80-251084-3-0. (CS)
FORRÓ, D. Počítače a hudba. Praha: Grada Publishing, spol. s r. o.. 320 s. ISBN 80-85623-57-9. (CS)
JIRÁSEK, O. Kytara a počítač. Praha: Nakladatelství Computer Press, a.s., 2006. 296 s. ISBN 80-251084-3-0. (CS)
Recommended reading
Not applicable.
eLearning: currently opened course
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
14 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Lidský hlas
2. Parametry místnosti
3. Elektronické hudební nástroje
4. Samplery, virtuální nástroje
5. Použití mikrofonů a snímačů pro záznam hudby
6. Mikrofony dle citlivosti, frekvenční a směrové charakteristiky ad.
7. Analogový a digitální záznam hudby
8. Úprava zaznamenaného zvuku
9. Mixtura a blend
10. Střih a spojováním zaznamenaného zvuku
11. Nahrávání bicích nástrojů, začleňování je do mixu
12.-13. Nahrávání a míchání rockového seskupení
Laboratory exercise
12 hod., compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Lidský hlas
2. Parametry místnosti
3. Elektronické hudební nástroje
4. Samplery, virtuální nástroje
5. Použití mikrofonů a snímačů pro záznam hudby
6. Mikrofony dle citlivosti, frekvenční a směrové charakteristiky ad.
7. Analogový a digitální záznam hudby
8. Úprava zaznamenaného zvuku
9. Mixtura a blend
10. Střih a spojováním zaznamenaného zvuku
11. Nahrávání bicích nástrojů, začleňování je do mixu
12.-13. Nahrávání a míchání rockového seskupení
eLearning: currently opened course