Course detail
History of Jazz 2
FEKT-BPC-DJA2Acad. year: 2023/2024
Students are made familiar with the details of the roots of jazz music, traditional jazz, the swing era, the post-war movements (bebop, cool jazz, etc.), fusions with rock, ethnic music, etc. and with the details of profiles of the greatest personalities in jazz music and with the development of Czechoslovak jazz from the thirties to the present.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
Knowledge of general education is required, on the basis of which the student has passed the admission procedure.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The evaluation of study results follows the Rules for Studies and Examinations of BUT and the Dean's Regulation on the Rules for Studies and Examinations of BUT. Up to 100 points are given for the final written examination.
Forms of the checked instructions are specified by a regulation issued by the guarantee of the course and updated for every academic year.
Forms of the checked instructions are specified by a regulation issued by the guarantee of the course and updated for every academic year.
The goal of the subject is to familiarize students with the basic variants and trends of the history of jazz music and with the persons of the world and Czechoslovak and Czech jazz music.
Absolvents of the subject will be able to:
- define the roots of jazz music,
- describe traditional jazz,
- describe the swing era,
- name and state the post-war jazz movements,
- state the fusions of jazz music with rock, ethnic music, etc.
- name the greatest personalities of the pre-war world jazz and describe their works,
- name the greatest personalities of post-war world jazz music and describe their works,
- name personalities of contemporary international jazz and describe their works.
- describe the origins of Czechoslovak jazz and its main leaders,
- name Czechoslovak jazz personalities from the post-war era to the present.
Absolvents of the subject will be able to:
- define the roots of jazz music,
- describe traditional jazz,
- describe the swing era,
- name and state the post-war jazz movements,
- state the fusions of jazz music with rock, ethnic music, etc.
- name the greatest personalities of the pre-war world jazz and describe their works,
- name the greatest personalities of post-war world jazz music and describe their works,
- name personalities of contemporary international jazz and describe their works.
- describe the origins of Czechoslovak jazz and its main leaders,
- name Czechoslovak jazz personalities from the post-war era to the present.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
- compulsory co-requisite
History of Jazz 1 - recommended prerequisite
History of Jazz 1
Basic literature
Dorůžka, L. Panoráma jazzu. Mladá fronta, 1990.
Dorůžka, L., Škvorecký, Z. Tvář jazzu. Státní hudební vydavatelství Praha, 1964.
Dorůžka, L. Tvář moderního jazzu. Editio Supraphon Praha Bratislava, 1970.
Feather, L, Gitler, I. The Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz. Oxford University Press, USA, 1999/2007. ISBN: 019532000X
Fordham, J. JAZZ - Dějiny, nástroje, hudebníci, nahrávky. Slovart, 2002.
Gioia, T. The History of Jazz. Oxford University Press, USA, 2011. ISBN 0195399706
Shipton, A. A New History of Jazz, Continuum New York-London, 2007. ISBN0826429726
Dorůžka, L., Škvorecký, Z. Tvář jazzu. Státní hudební vydavatelství Praha, 1964.
Dorůžka, L. Tvář moderního jazzu. Editio Supraphon Praha Bratislava, 1970.
Feather, L, Gitler, I. The Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz. Oxford University Press, USA, 1999/2007. ISBN: 019532000X
Fordham, J. JAZZ - Dějiny, nástroje, hudebníci, nahrávky. Slovart, 2002.
Gioia, T. The History of Jazz. Oxford University Press, USA, 2011. ISBN 0195399706
Shipton, A. A New History of Jazz, Continuum New York-London, 2007. ISBN0826429726
Recommended reading
Not applicable.
Classification of course in study plans