Course detail
Studio Practice 1
FEKT-BPC-SP1Acad. year: 2023/2024
In this course, students learn the brief history of the technical development of sound recording and recording technology, methods of editing, and an overview of the development of the realization of music recording from the 50s – 90s.They will be familiar with the psychological and technical aspects of sound recording and the role of the director. Students will also acquire a brief overview of recording technology, its use and function (microphones, mixing consoles, dynamic processors, studio monitors, recording equipment, comparison of analog and digital recording chains ...).
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
To obtain the credit it is necessary to complete at least 10 exercises during semester. Other forms of the checked instructions are specified by a regulation issued by the guarantee of the course and updated for every academic year.
The student will be able to:
- use a variety of editing techniques during the creation of audio recordings,
- describe the role of the audio director and technical aspects of recording,
- explain the function of microphones and use them properly for recording various solo instruments and music files,
- explain the function of mixing consoles and use them for recording,
- explain the function of dynamic processors and use them for recording,
- explain the function of recording equipment and studio monitors and use them for recording,
- build analog and digital recording chains and describe their properties.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
FORRÓ, D. Počítače a hudba. Praha: Grada Publishing, spol. s r. o.. 320 s. ISBN 80-85623-57-9. (CS)
ŠÍP, L., Nahrávání a reprodukovaná hudba, Praha, Stát. hudeb. vyd. 1961. (CS)
VLACHÝ, V. Praxe zvukové techniky. Praha: Vydavatelství MUZIKUS, 1995. 257 s. ISBN 80-901537-6-3. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans