Course detail
Ecology in Manufacturing
FEKT-MKC-EKVAcad. year: 2023/2024
Global warming, greenhouse effect, and human influence, relevant data and prediction possibilities. Global response, COP conferences, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement. Basic ecology terminology, environment, ecosystem, ecological stability, stressors. Sustainable development. Stockholm Convention. Production ecology, negative impact of production on the environment. Cleaner production and its practical applications. Waste, waste law, waste management concept, material and energy waste recycling. Wastewater from metal surface treatments. Used transformer and capacitor oils. Toxic waste materials. Waste from the production of fluorescents, discharge lamps, and screens. Waste materials from plastic production, electrochemical sources of electricity. Electricity production, individual technologies, and their environmental aspects. Labels and markings for ecological and sustainable products and services. Emissions, immissions, air pollution, Los Angeles and London smog. Processing of hazardous radioactive waste.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Elaborate: max. 10b
Final exam: max. 70b
Requirements for successful completion of the subject can be specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
The student is able to:
- Characterize the various types of waste, to name a split ways of recycling waste.
- Define the chemical toxic inorganic and organic substances.
- Describe (based on current knowledge) the main mechanisms contributing to global warming, can describe the principle greenhouse effect.
- Discuss different perspectives on the global environment, with a focus on European legislation, the U.S. legislation and legislation in developing countries.
- Explain the concept of sustainability and describe the evolution and current status of applicable legislation.
- Describe the mechanisms of corrosion of metals and define the basics of coatings.
- Describe the basic symptoms of electrostatic, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and their effect on biological systems.
- Can describe the life cycle of the product and describe the fault model of the product. They can characterize faults define the probability of failure.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
US Environmet Protection Agency:Profile of the Electronic and Computer Industry,EPA/310-R-95-002, 1995 (EN)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MPC-EVM Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Lectures on the topic of:
Electrical Production and the Environment
Production and Distribution of Electrical Energy
The Environment
Ecology and Society
Recycling of Municipal Waste
Global Warming and Human Impact
ndependent works presented by students on selected topics
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
Independent work of students on a project/papers elaboration.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Not part of the subject.