Course detail
Renewable Energy Sources
FEKT-MPC-OZEAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course deals with contemporary issues in the field of renewable energy with a focus on description, classification and principles of energy from wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, energy of environment, biomass to energy of atomic nuclei and electrochemical energy. Students will receive information about how to install, use and about perspectives of renewable energy sources. In the field of photovoltaics the course deals with the principle of operation, limits and possibilities of photovoltaic system. Students will receive information about the solar module, construction and production technology, operating conditions and optimization. Students obtain practical information about the design of PV system by PV SOL* system on houses and buildings, with issues of the batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, their principle of operation, construction, technology and parameters. It is also addressed the issue of environmental disposal at the end of life of the plant.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
labolatory - max. 40p
final exam - max 60p
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
The student of MOZE course is able to
- Explain the importance of basic concepts in the field of renewable energy
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources
- Design a suitable location for wind power plants in the Czech Republic
- Measure and calculate the properties and characteristics of photovoltaic cell or panel, design the simple autonomous photovoltaic system
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Dell, R.M.a Rand, D.J., Clean energy, Athenaeum Press Ltd, UK (EN)
DGS, ČFA, Fotovoltaické systémy, energetická příručka (CS)
Quaschning, V., Understanding Renewable Energy Systems, Earthscan Publications Ltd., USA (EN)
VANĚK, J.; KŘIVÍK, P.; NOVÁK, V. Alternativní zdroje energie - Laboratorní cvičení. Brno, FEKT. 2007. p. 1 - 67. (CS)
VANĚK, J.; KŘIVÍK, P.; NOVÁK, V. Alternativní zdroje energie. Brno, skripta FEKT. 2006. p. 1 - 159. (CS)
Vojtěchovský, K., Obnovitelné zdroje energie, FCC Public, Praha (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MPC-EVM Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Wind energy and its use, wind power plants.
Solar energy and its use, photovoltaic cells.
Solar energy and photovoltaic effect.
Photovoltaic cells, structure and characteristics.
Monocrystalline, polycrystalline, microcrystalline and amorphous cells
Photovoltaic modules, construction, technology, characteristics.
Basic types of photovoltaic systems.
Conversion of DC voltage of solar batteries to mains voltage.
Optimization of operating conditions, reliability.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Place selection, new place addition, 2D designs and selection of PV modules, types of design solutions, 2D inverter designs, Project economics, cash flow, simple setting of power losses in the cabling
3D designs of roof PVS
Drawing documentation and work with it, export of documentation, Detailed calculations of power losses in cabling
Shading of PV modules and influence on energy yield, Horizontal shading, 3D designs of PV modules on free areas, Load profiles, types, creation of own profiles
Czech version PV * SOL already on the world market, Example of calculating summer / winter dimensioning
Inverter sizing
Consumer behavior and habits incompatible for complete self-sufficiency, Island systems and their dimensioning
Types of tracking PVS, Construction of tracking systems PVS. Energy simulation of tracking PVS