Course detail
Production Processes
FEKT-MKC-VYPAcad. year: 2023/2024
Winding processes, impregnation processes. Technology of insulative systems. Connecting systems in electrical and electronic arrangements. Mechanical assembly technology. Formation of functional thicknesses. Properties and industrial processes of anisotropics materials, introduction to theory of piezoelectricity. Electron processes. Ion processes. Plasma technology. X-ray processes. Radiation processes. Nuclear processes. Laser processes. Ultrasonic processes. Computer aided industrial processes.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Individual test: (lectures in weeks 1 - 5).
Requirements for individual test - at least 50% from the points it means at least 20 points. Individual tests are done in the written form and must be passed by the end of the teaching part of the term at the latest.
Final exam: (max. 60 points) - (lectures in weeks 6 - 13).
9 tasks - max. 5 points for 1 task (lectures in weeks 6 - 11).
3 tasks max. 5 points for one task (lectures in weeks 12 - 13).
The students may apply for the final exam if they attended all needed practice and passed successfully the test, it means after receiving 50% points at least.
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
The student after passing the exam:
• knows construction and technological problems by winding production, by reels production and by production of insulating systems
• knows basal connecting systems in electrotechnical and electronical products
• knows basic operation in mechanical assemblies technology
• knows characteristics of anisotropic materials and industrial processes in their realization
• can explain working principle in the systems which use electron beams ionic beams, X-rays, nuclear transmutation, lasers and ultrasonic and their effects on materials
• knows principles of computer aided industrial processes
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MPC-EVM Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Metal processing, cold working and hot working, wire drawing, welding, soldering.
Conductive connection processing, conductor and elements connecting methods, materials for conductive connection processing.
Materials surface adjustment, galvanic and non-current metal plating methods, metal surface passivation, modern methods in application coating compositions.
Introduction in computer aided industrial processes.
Computer aided industrial processes.
Electron processes, obtaining and control of movement electric charged elements, operation of electron beam, metal welding, metal melting and evaporation, electron beam cutting, exploitation of chemical and the other effects of the electron beams.
Ion processes, obtaining of ion beams, sputtering and etching, ions implantation and lithography. Molecular processes
X-ray processes, generation and characteristics of X-ray radiation, radiation technology in production, X-ray lithography.
Nuclear processes, basic conception, transmutation of semiconductor materials, producing of electronic active structures.
Laser processes, theoretical principles in function of lasers, laser distribution, characteristics and some applications of lasers in industrial processes.
Ultrasonic processes, physical fundamental of ultrasonic, ultrasonic sources, use of ultrasonic effect.
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
Calculations in the area of electron beam usage.
Calculations in the area of ion processes used in technology.
Calculations in the area of X-ray, radiation and nuclear processes.
Calculations in the area of laser technology and laser applications in industrial processes.
Calculations in the area of ultrasonic and its application in technology.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Laboratory lesson in the area of computer aided industrial processes.
Field trip
Teacher / Lecturer
Excursion to the factory offering metal technology.
Excursion to the factory using surface adjustment of materials.