Course detail
Fundamentals of Reliability in Electrical Engineering
FEKT-MKC-ZSEAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course deals with the issue of reliability, the basic concepts, the use of statistics in reliability calculations of reliability indicators. In addition, students learn the reliability models, backup systems and methods of reliability analysis. Another part of the course is devoted to the operating model and stress, degradation mechanisms in materials, elements and systems.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
upto 80 pointsfrom written examination.
The test focuses into the issues of reliability discussed in lectures and seminars.
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
The student is able to:
- define the basic concepts of reliability,
- describe methods of reliability analysis systems,
- explain the methods of reliability,
- explain the issue of risk in production,
- calculate selected indicators of system reliability.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Hauschild-Mosch: Statistic fur Elektrotechniker, Berlin (DE)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MPC-EVM Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Mathematical statistics. Random variable, utilization of random variable distribution in reliability. Exponential distribution.
Quantile. Spot and interval estimation of parameters of the basic set. Chi-quadrat and Student's distribution.
Expentable objects. Reliability characteristics of expentable objects.
Repairable objects. Reliability characteristics of repairble objects.
Serial and parallel reliability models. Combined models.
Methods of creating reserves of systems. Forms and function of reserves. Static reserve. Dynamic reserve.
Introduction of quality system ISO 9000.
Degradation factors affecting electrical equipment. Relation of operating, partial and model stresses.
Degradation mechanisms in materials, element and systems.
Diagnostics methods.
Tests of reliability elements.
Tests of reliability equipments.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Statistics, utilisation of random variable distribution in reliability.
Quantile. Probability of failures, trouble-free operation, intensity of failures.
Reliability models.
Calculation of reliability characteristics of systems with expendable objects. (4 hours)
Calculation of reliability characteristics of systems with repaireble objects. (4 hours)
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Structural methods measurements of materials.