Course detail
Low Power Electrical Sources
FEKT-MKC-MZEAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course is focused on the use of small power sources in terms of sustainable development. They are specified the possibility of using solar, wind and hydro plants in our country with according to applicable law. It is also clarified the issue of cogeneration of low power and possibilities of using other alternative sources of energy, such as heat pumps.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Students must be able to explain and clarify the following issues:
- Structure and the parting of electric power system
- Basic terminology of power engineering
- Principle of power generation
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
- one homework - 5 points
- six laboratory projects - 30 points (for each task is an entry test per 1 point - 0.5 is minimum for graduation)
- final exam max. 50 points - practical (20 points) and oral (30 points) part
The necessary condition to get credits is to obtain at least 30 points in evaluated activities.
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
Graduate of this course is able to:
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources
- Design photovoltaic plants
- Design small hydropower plants
- Perform basic design of energy systems with renewable energy sources
- Discuss and clarify the impact of renewable energy on the electricity grid
- Professionally evaluate the properties of hybrid energy systems
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Mastný, P.; Morávek, J.; Pitron, J.; Malé zdroje elektrické energie, Skriptum, VUT v Brně FEKT UEEN, 2015 (CS)
Recommended reading
Krbek,J. Polesný,B.: Malé kogenerační jednotky v komunální a průmyslové energetice, PC-DIR, 1999 (CS)
Rychetník,V., Pavelka,J., Janoušek,J.:Větrné motory a elektrárny, ČVUT 1997 (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Small water power plants - energy potential of water flows within the Czech Republic, basic distribution of small water plants, basic hydrological computations
3. Small water power plants - operation and electric parameters, incorporation of small water plants into electricity supply system. Semestral project assignment
4. Wind power plants - wind conditions within the European Union and the Czech Republic (energy potential of wind in the Czech Republic), the types of wind power plants, operation and electrical parameters
5. Wind power plants - regulation of wind motors, influences of wind power plants on the operation of electricity supply system, operation economy
6. Solar energy - introduction into helio-energetics, the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, fotovoltaic transformation
7. Photovoltaic power plants - construction of solar power plants, incorporation of solar power plants into the electricity supply system, semestral project assignment
8. Co-generation units (CU) of low efficiency, used machine unit of CU, the construction of units
9. Co-generation units - incorporation into supply network, analysis of starting cycle and operation parameters
10. Biomass - usage of bio-fuel within small power plants, the sources of biomass, combined combustion of biomass, economic evaluation of the systems
11. Fuel elements - the principal of its function, possibilities of fuel elements usage, hydrogen management
12. Heat pumps - the principal of its function, possibilities of its usage, determination of energetic heating factor
13. Other technologies usable within small power plants, Stirling's motor, thermocouples, economic evaluation of systems
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Electric power calculation on a PC.
The harmonic analysis and the evaluation of the connection of a small power station to the supply network.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
- loading characteristics of photovoltaic panels
- fuel elements characteristics
- operation states and characteristics of heat pump