Course detail
Measuring Techniques for Technical Diagnostics
FEKT-MPC-MTDAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course deals with methods, sensors and instrumentation for measuring noise, vibration, ultrasound and thermovision diagnostics. Students will learn the technique of vibration measurement, noise and speed measurement as well as the basics of spectral analysis, bearings fault diagnosis, balancing and diagnostics of rotating machines. Other topics will be basics of modal analysis, calibration of sensors, use of thermal cameras and ultrasonic diagnostic equipment in industrial applications.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Laboratory exercises 0 - 30 points. The condition for obtaining credit is participation in laboratory exercises and preparation of technical reports from laboratory measurements - 6 laboratory tasks (6 x 5 points).
The final exam is aimed at verifying the knowledge (orientation) of the completed course. It has a mandatory written and an optional oral part. The written part of the final exam is 0 - 60 points, minimum 25 points. The oral part of the final examination 0 - 10 points.
Definition of controlled education will be established by announcement published by course supervisor every year. Mandatory participation in laboratory exercises, in case of absence the exercise work can be supplemented with alternative exercise in same week or with a self-study of additional literature.
The student will be able to describe the types and methods of technical diagnostics, explain a diagnostic problem, choose the appropriate measurement method, select right sensors and measuring instruments for the specific application. Student will be able to specify parts of measuring chain to realize measurements and evaluate the measured data.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
BRANDT, Anders. Noise and vibration analysis: signal analysis and experimental procedures. Chichester: Wiley, 2011. ISBN 978-0470746448. (EN)
HELEBRANT, František a Jiří ZIEGLER. Technická diagnostika a spolehlivost. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita, 2004. ISBN 80-248-0650-9. (CS)
CHOLLET Francois, Deep learning v jazyku Python. ISBN 80-271-2750-5 (CS)
KINSLER, Lawrence E. Fundamentals of acoustics. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 2000. ISBN 978-0-471-84789-2. (EN)
KOPEC, Bernard. Nedestruktivní zkoušení materiálů a konstrukcí: (nauka o materiálu IV). Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7204-591-4. (CS)
KREIDL, Marcel a Radislav ŠMÍD. Technická diagnostika: senzory, metody, analýza signálu. Praha: BEN - technická literatura, 2006. Senzory neelektrických veličin. ISBN 80-7300-158-6. (CS)
KREIDL, Marcel a Radislav ŠMÍD. Technická diagnostika: senzory, metody, analýza signálu. Praha: BEN - technická literatura, 2006. Senzory neelektrických veličin. ISBN 80-7300-158-6. (CS)
MENTLÍK, Václav. Diagnostika elektrických zařízení. Praha: BEN - technická literatura, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7300-232-9. (CS)
RANDALL, Randolph B. Frequency analysis. Brüel & Kjaer, 1987. (EN)
REGAZZO, Richard a Marcela REGAZZOVÁ. Ultrazvuk: základy ultrazvukové defektoskopie. Praha: BEN - technická literatura, 2013. Senzory neelektrických veličin. ISBN 978-80-7300-466-8. (CS)
ŠKVOR, Zd. Akustika a elektroakustika. Praha: Academia, 2001. ISBN 80-200-0464-0. (CS)
TŮMA, Jiri. Vehicle gearbox noise and vibration: measurement, signal analysis, signal processing and noise reduction measures. John Wiley & Sons, 2014. (EN)
TŮMA, Jiří. Diagnostika strojů. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2009. ISBN 978-80-248-2116-0. (CS)
TŮMA, Jiří. Zpracování signálů získaných z mechanických systémů užitím FFT. Praha: Sdělovací technika, 1997. ISBN 80-901936-1-7. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Technical devices for diagnostics - types of diagnostics, sensors and analyzers for diagnosis, methods of testing.
2. Vibrodiagnostics - measuring of vibrations (vibration analysis, spectral measurements, averaging issues, detecting of natural frequencies).
3. Diagnostics of rotating machines, balancing of rotating machines, bearings fault diagnosis.
4. Modal analysis, vibration testing - modal testing, test by vibrations and shocks.
5. Acoustic measurement - acoustic quantities (sound power, sound pressure, sound intensity), near field, far field, acoustical holography.
6. Calibration of the sensors - accelerometers, microphones, gyroscopes; types of calibration (primary, secondary), interferometry, standards.
7. Thermovision diagnostics - thermography, measurement using thermal cameras.
8. NDT methods - ultrasonic defectoscopy, magnetic methods, X-ray methods, eddy-current testing, acoustic emission - methods of testing.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Calibration of vibration sensors and microphones.
3. Measurement of speed and Fan diagnostics.
4. Measurement unbalances of rotating machines.
5. Ultrasonic defectoscopy.
6. Thermovision measurement.
7. Signal processing and analysis of signals - in time domain, frequency domain, time windows, frequency filters, antialiasing, bandwidth, resolution, FFT averaging, CPB.