Course detail
Theoretical geodesy II
FAST-HE10Acad. year: 2023/2024
Precise levelling (insruments, methods, errors, standardization, accuracy). Adjustment leveling networks. Adjustment geodetic networks on the plane, on the sphere and on the ellipsoid. Adjustment free networks.
Equipotencional surfaces, geoid, spheroid.
plumb line, normal, deflection of the vertical, Laplace equation and Laplace azimuth, reduction to the ellipsoid. Astronomic levelling.
Theory of heights. Geopotential differences, orthometric heihts, normal orthometric heights, normal Moloděnský heights, dynamic heights, misclosure of levelling polygons. Adjustment of large levelling networks.
Stokes formula and Vening-Maines formula, gravimetry deflections of verticals. Moloděnsky kvazigeoid theory. Geodetic Earth models.
Coordinate systems ITRS, ETRS, EULN, geodynamic networks.
History of geodetic networks in Czech republic (NULRAD, DOPNUL, GEODYN).
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Student gets an overview of problems heigts (gravity field, precise levelling, equipotencial surfaces, geoid, spheroid and kvazigeoid.
Student gets theoretical knowledge of geodetic reference systems and geodynamics.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Vykutil, J: Vyšší geodézie. Kartografie, 1982. (CS)
Weigel J.: Vyšší geodézie - Základní výšková bodová pole. elektronický text, 2008. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer