Course detail
Probability and mathematical statistics
FAST-DAB039Acad. year: 2023/2024
Continuous and discrete random variables (vectors), probability function, density function, probability, cumulative distribution, independent random variables, characteristics of distribution, transformation of random variables, conditional distribution, conditional mean, special distributions.
Random sampling, statistic, point estimate of distribution parameters and their functions, desirable properties of an estimator, estimator of correlation matrix, confidence interval for distribution parameter, fundamentals for testing hypotheses, tests of hypotheses for distribution parameters – one-sample analysis, two-sample analysis, goodness-of-fit test.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HRON, A., KUNDEROVÁ, P. Základy počtu pravděpodobnosti a metod matematické statistiky. 2. vyd. Olomouc: UPOL, 2015, 364 s. ISBN 978-80-244-4774-2.
WALPOLE, R.E., MYERS, R.H. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists. 8th ed. London: Prentice Hall, Pearson education LTD, 2007, 823 p. ISBN 0-13-204767-5.
Recommended reading
KOUTKOVÁ, H. Základy teorie odhadu. Brno: CERM, 2007, 51 s. ISBN 978-80-7204-527-3.
KOUTKOVÁ, H. Základy testování hypotéz. Brno: CERM, 2007, 52 s. ISBN 978-80-7204-528-0.
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme DPC-GK Doctoral 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme DPA-GK Doctoral 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme DPC-GK Doctoral 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme DKA-GK Doctoral 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer