Course detail
Technology of Building Operations 2
FAST-BWA010Acad. year: 2023/2024
The subject links to the Technology of constructions I. and it includes area of building processes linked with erection of constructions, inner and finishing works. The main part is reserved for crafts works with high time and coordination demands, s.c. associated building operations (PSV). The importance of knowledge of these processes is given by the fact that they represent more than a half of the labour requirements and financial costs needed for the construction realisation in the civil engineering area. They also significantly affect the function, useful value and quality of the construction. The characteristic feature of these processes is their dispersion into more than thirty crafts differing in type. They are an integral par of the construction process and they require a very good coordination and control activity. This is not possible without knowledge of their contents, technology requirements and links.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The students will master the objective of the Technology of Building Operations course II, i.e. they will acquire knowledge of selected building processes and their construction readiness, of the needs of the process resources, erection procedure and safety, quality and environmental requirements.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HRAZDIL, Václav. Inženýrské sítě a komunikace - studijní opora. VUT Brno, 2005. (CS)
CHEW, M.Y.L. Construction technology for tall buildings, 2nd ed.. National university of Signapore, 2001. 981-02-4338-3 (EN)
KOČÍ, Bohumil. Technologie pozemních staveb I.. Brno: CERM, 1997. (CS)
MARŠÁL Petr. Stavební stroje. Brno: CERM, 2004. ISBN 80-214-2774-4 (CS)
MOTYČKA, Vít a ČERNÝ, Jaromír. Věžové jeřáby v pozemním stavitelství. Brno: CERM, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7204-505-1 (CS)
MOTYČKA, Vít a kol.. Technologie staveb I, Hrubá vrchní stavba. Brno: CERM, 2005. ISBN 80-214-2873-2 (CS)
MUSIL, František a TUZA, Karel. Ateliérová tvorba: stavebně-technologické projekty hrubé vrchní stavby. VUT Brno, 1991. ISBN 80-214-0335-7 (CS)
MUSIL, František NOVÁKOVÁ, Drahomíra a HENKOVÁ, Svatava. Technologie pozemních staveb I: návody do cvičení. Brno CERM, 1997. (CS)
SVOBODA, Pavel a DOLEŽAL, Josef. Průmyslové podlahy a podlahy v objektech pozemních staveb. Bratislava : Jaga, 2007, 2007. 978-80-8076-054-0 (CS)
ZAPLETAL, Ivan a kol.. Technologie staveb, dokončovací práce 2. Bratislava: STU v Bratislavě, 2004. ISBN 80-227-2084-4 (CS)
ZAPLETAL, Ivan a MOTYČKA, Vít a kol.. Technologie staveb, dokončovací práce 3. Bratislava: STU v Bratislavě, 2006. ISBN 80-227-2484-X (CS)
ZAPLETAL, Ivan a MUSIL, František. Technologie staveb - dokončovací práce 1. Bratislava: STU v Bratislavě, 2002. ISBN 80-227-1693-6 (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer