Course detail

Concrete Structures 1 (EVB)

FAST-BLA019Acad. year: 2023/2024

Concrete members. Structural characteristic of concrete. Concrete reinforcement and its bond with concrete. Basic principles of design. Durability of concrete structures. Design of reinforced concrete members for bending and shear force - ultimate and serviceability limit states. Design of reinforced concrete members for axial force and bending moment. Design of members from plain and lightly reinforced concrete. Simple concrete members – one way reinforced slabs, beams, girders, lintels, cantilevered structures, columns and stairs, two way edge-supported slabs, two way column-supported slabs, ribbed and waffle slab, deep beams.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Concrete and Masonry Structures (BZK)

Entry knowledge

technical mathematics, technical physics, structural mechanics, linear theory of the elasticity

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


Not applicable.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

PROCHÁZKA, Jaroslav, ŠTĚPÁNEK, Petr, KRÁTKÝ, Jiří, KOHOUTKOVÁ, Alena a VAŠKOVÁ, Jitka: Navrhování betonových konstrukcí 1. Prvky z prostého a železového betonu, Praha: ČBS Servis, 2009. 316 p. ISBN 978-80-903807-5-2  (CS)
ZICH, Miloš a BAŽANT, Zdeněk: Plošné betonové konstrukce, nádrže a zásobníky, Brno: CERM, 2010. 161 p. ISBN 978-80-7204-693-5  (CS)

Recommended reading

BILČÍK, Juraj, FILLO, Ľudovít, BENKO, Vladimír a HALVONÍK, Jaroslav: Betónové konštrukcie. Navrhovanie podľa EN 1992-1-1, Bratislava: STU, 2008. 374 p. ISBN 978-80-227-2940-6 (SK)
MOSLEY, Bill, BUNGEY, John a HULSE, Ray: Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 464 p. ISBN 978-0-230-30285-3  (EN)
NILSON, Arthur, DARWIN, David a DOLAN, Charles: Design of Concrete Structures, New York: McGraf-Hill, 2009. 816 p. ISBN 978-0-07-329349-3 (EN)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BPC-EVB Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Concrete members. Components of concrete. Structural properties of concrete and influencing factors. Principles and rules of the design. 2. Types of concrete and reinforcement, their interaction. Theory of concrete structures design – load, structural requirements, design assumptions, durability. Limit states – principle of design. 3. Analysis of reinforced concrete bending members. Design of cross-sections for bending – general and simplified method. 4. Design of cross-sections for bending – rectangular sections, general sections, sections subject to biaxial bending moment. 5. Design of cross-sections for shearing force. 6. Simple concrete members – one way reinforced slabs, beams, girders, lintels and columns. 7. Curtailment of reinforcement in beam – detailing and arrangements. Reinforcement of bended structural members. Design rules and detailing of staircases. 8. Design of cross-sections subjected to axial load and bending. 9. Design of sections for torsion moment. Design of members from plain and lightly reinforced concrete. 10. Verification of serviceability limit state of flexural members. Time-dependent properties of concrete. 11. Two way edge-supported slabs. 12. Two way column-supported slabs. 13. Ribbed and waffle slabs, deep beams.


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. The load and its determination, combination and effects. Idealisation of basic structural members. Design of monolithic reinforced concrete structure – project: definition of task, preliminary design of dimensions, analysis of structural solution and static system, scheme of shape of structure. 2. Basic materials of reinforced concrete, interaction of concrete and reinforcement, durability of concrete members. 3. Bended members, design and review of the slabs: single supported floor slab – load, action of load and combinations, design for bending and shear, transverse reinforcement, anchorage of reinforcement, modification of reinforcement in the areas of partial fixation, scheme of reinforcement. 4. Design and review of slabs: continuous floor slab – load, action of forces (redistribution of forces) and combinations, design for bending, scheme of reinforcement. 5. Design and review of beam with the T cross-section - load, action and combination, design for bending (T-section, comparison with rectangular cross-section). 6. Member of general cross-section subject to bending – general method, application on cantilever beam (example). 7. Correction. 8. Beam with the T cross-section – design for shear, shear between web and flanges of T cross-section, curtailment of reinforcement. 9. Design and review of a lintel - load, action and comcination, design for bendding, shear, direct and indirect supporting of beam, scheme of reinforcement. Reinforcement of ring beams. Drawings of reinforcement of designed members. 10. Two way edge-supported slab – definition of the task, preliminary design of dimensions, load, static analysis, design of the reinforcement. 11. Two way edge-supported slab – detailing, scheme of reinforcement. 12. Correction. 13. Submit of the project. Credit.