Course detail
Electrical Elements of Automatic Control of Production Systems
FSI-GAR-KAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course familiarises students with automation and control devices for production machines. This information is useful for the design of automatic production machines and manufacturing systems. The course deals with theoretical principles of automatic control, mechanical control, electrical control, numerical control, sensors and effectors.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
- basic knowledge of physics in area of electrostatics and electromagnetism,
- computer literacy,
- knowledge of basic principles of manufacturing systems and machines, requirements for their functionality.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
1. Attendance at exercises (except documented excusable absence)
2. Fulfillment of the conditions of continuous control (preparation for exercise, activity during exercise); these requirements will be specified at the beginning of the semester in practice.
3. Elaboration and demonstration of assigned tasks
The exam verifies the acquired knowledge. The exam is combined. In the written part verifies the ability of the student to apply the acquired knowledge and methods in the test and in the oral part if necessary verifies the knowledge of theoretical foundations.
The evaluation of the exam may take into consideration the evaluation of exercises
Attendance at obligatory lessons is checked and only substantial reasons of absence are accepted. Missed lessons can be substituted for via solution of extra exercises.
Students will be made familiar with elements for automation of production machines and other manufacturing equipment, with methods necessary for control of production machines and manufacturing systems. They will be able to apply this knowledge to the design and development of manufacturing systems and their parts. They will gain practical experience with computer aided technologies used for the design, programming and for simulation of production machine control.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Childs, J. J. : Principles of Numerical Control
Modern Machine Shop: NC/CAM Guidebook
Recommended reading
Janovský,V.; Svoboda, J.; Šmejkal, L.: Řídicí systémy s mikroprocesory
Kelča, F. : Automatické řízení výrobních strojů I - III
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N-VSR-K Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction, subject and sources of automatic control, defining basic terms.
Position of an automatic control in design of manufacturing machines and systems.
2. Programmable logic controller (PLC) - hardware.
System description of PLC. Fundamentals of its work.
3. - 5. PLC - software. Fundamentals of standard ČSN EN 61131-3.
6. Introduction to algorithmization using flowcharts. Introduction to the standard ČSN ISO 5807.
7.-11. Sensors – classification, characteristic properties.
12.Safety integrated for automatic control
13. Industrial networks
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
3-4. Specification of machine components for further own work.
5-10. Proposal of a control system and a control algorithm, object description for controlled and controlling systems. Realisation of a control program.
11-12. Simulation of a control process, solution verification, debugging.
13. Presentation of a solution and evaluation.
Guided consultation
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction, subject and sources of automatic control, defining basic terms.
Position of an automatic control in design of manufacturing machines and systems.
2. Programmable logic controller (PLC) - hardware.
System description of PLC. Fundamentals of its work.
3. - 5. PLC - software. Fundamentals of standard ČSN EN 61131-3.
6. Introduction to algorithmization using flowcharts. Introduction to the standard ČSN ISO 5807.
7.-11. Sensors – classification, characteristic properties.
12.Safety integrated for automatic control
13. Industrial networks