Course detail
Electrical Engineering of Production Machines
FSI-GEV-KAcad. year: 2023/2024
Learning outcomes of the course unit The subject acquaints students with basic problems of electrical equipment of production machines, equipment and systems. These are general requirements for electrical equipment of production machines, safety requirements and explanation of the principles of operation of the most important actuators. Students will also learn the methodology of designing individual parts of electrical equipment and management of electrical documentation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
1. Completion of all exercises (100% attendance) and fulfillment of conditions of continuous control of study (concretization in exercises).
2. Processing homework.
The exam is combined, has a written and oral part and verifies the student's comprehensive knowledge of the subject.
Controlled instruction is exercise. Exercises are compulsory. Attendance at seminars is checked and the level of knowledge is checked by solving practical tasks. Missed lessons must be completed with another group, or in exceptional cases by assigning homework on the topic. The level of elaboration of this work is evaluated by the teacher.
The acquired knowledge and skills enable students to master the design of contemporary production machines, equipment and systems, both mechanically and electrically.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Souček, P.: Pohony výrobních zařízení . Servomechanizmy. Praha, ČVUT 1997
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N-VSR-K Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Design of drives - load classes, calculations
3. Switching and protection of electrical equipment, cabling
4. Basic procedures to ensure the safety of general electrical equipment.
5. Documentation rules and normative requirements for electrical installation of machine tools (safety, EMC, etc.).
6. Functional safety, safety requirements for drives
7. Basic types of inverters for control of DC and AC motors and their possible variants
8. EC motors and DC motors - characteristics, properties, mathematical description
9. Induction motor - properties, characteristics, mathematical description
10. Synchronous motor - properties, characteristics, reluctance motors, mathematical description
11. Special motors - stepper motors, single-phase machine, linear synchronous and asynchronous motor
12. Drive control options (current, speed, position control), DC motor and EC motor control
13. Scalar control and vector control of induction motor, Direct torque control, Synchronous motor control (vector, scalar).
Guided consultation
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Design of drive using software
3-4. Complete drive design including selection of all components
5. Electrical installation of working machines, electrical installation in industrial wiring, principles of electrical documentation
6-12. Simulation of electric drives - Simulink
13. Demonstration of drives settings