Course detail
Mechanics of Handling Equipment
FSI-GMM-KAcad. year: 2023/2024
The basic problem of solving the mechanics of manipulators is the kinematic analysis of kinematic chains. Formalized solution is based on the matrix methods. There are two types of problems to be solved. These are the direct and indirect problems of position. Inner forces or moments are solved by kinetostatics. The Lagrange equations of motion and a method of mass and force reduction are used. The area of vibrations concentrates on the specification of modal and spectral characteristics. The finite element method is applied for elastic problems and problems of forced vibrations. Attention is also paid to the positioning and orientation of robots.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Attendance at practical training is obligatory.
Students will be made familiar with an automated generation of mathematical models of kinematics chains in a matrix form. They will by able to: solve direct and indirect problems of position of robots; analyse the velocities and accelerations; propose propulsion systems in kinematics pairs and determine generalized coordinates for the required position of chosen junctions; use the computer software Maple and Matlab.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Sciavicco, L.; Siciliano, B. & Sciavicco, B. Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 2000
Schwerin, R. v. MultiBody System SIMulation. Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Software Springer, 199
Spong, M. W.; Hutchinson, S. & Vidyasagar, M. Robot Modeling and Control Wiley, 2005
Recommended reading
Grepl, R. Modelování mechatronických systémů v Matlab/SimMechanics BEN - technická literatura, 2007
Loprais A.: Mechanika manipulačních zařízení, , 0
Stejskal V.: Mechanika výrobních strojů a zařízení, , 0
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N-VSR-K Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Transformation matrices and their use in mechanics of robots.
3. Direct kinematics. Computation of position and velocity of the tool-center-point.
4. Indirect kinematics. Solving by means of an analytical method.
5. Indirect kinematics. Solving by means of a numerical method.
6. Kinetostatic analysis of mechanism (introduction).
7. Matrix method of kinetostatics. Analysis of robots.
8. Lagrange’s equations of motion.
9. Simulation of dynamic system in Matlab/Simulink
10. Modeling of electrical submodels and control structures
11. Automatical model building
12. Spatial visualization of mechanical systems
13. Introduction to nonlinear control using inverse dynamic model
Guided consultation
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Modelling of kinematics in Matlab and using Robotic Toolbox
3. Modelling of dynamics in Matlabu, examples
4. Modelling of dynamics in Matlabu/Simulink, examples
5. Modelling of dynamics in Matlabu/SimMechanics, examples
6.-12. Semestrer project
13. Presentation of semestrer project, evaluation