Course detail
Diploma Project I (M-VSR)
FSI-GZR-KAcad. year: 2023/2024
The diploma project (DP I) practically goes on in utilizing of all the theoretical knowledge and practical skills gained through the previous studies completed with a graduation thesis.
Project specifications from industrial companies are appreciated.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
Thorough knowledge of the design production machines, industrial robots, systems and automatizated equipment, control systems and elektrical engineering. Good knowledge of PC systems CAD and parametric systems (Pro-engineer, I-DEAS)
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Course-unit credit is awarded on the following conditions: fulfilling conditions of systematic control : this will be specified at the beginning of the semestr
Absence may be in justifed cases compensated for via special make-up home work.
Absence may be in justifed cases compensated for via special make-up home work.
The aim of the course is for students to learn basic principles of solving within the introductory stage of the diploma project:
1. clarification of the objectives
2. Analysis of the current state of science and technology
3. System analysis, studying, analysing and evaluating of the documents and previous solutions, specifying further procedures for solving of the problem based on the above materials.
Object enable students to interlink the findings obtained from all the previous courses, to analyse initial conditions of tasks, and to propose new solutions where the most; date software programs for computation and check-up of component are used, or to propose a prospective project using logistic methods such as analysis, modelling, and optimisation of process (stochastic, simulation, operational analysis, etc.).
1. clarification of the objectives
2. Analysis of the current state of science and technology
3. System analysis, studying, analysing and evaluating of the documents and previous solutions, specifying further procedures for solving of the problem based on the above materials.
Object enable students to interlink the findings obtained from all the previous courses, to analyse initial conditions of tasks, and to propose new solutions where the most; date software programs for computation and check-up of component are used, or to propose a prospective project using logistic methods such as analysis, modelling, and optimisation of process (stochastic, simulation, operational analysis, etc.).
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
Kolíbal, Z. a kol.: Roboty a robotizované výrobní technologie. 1st ed. Nakladatelství VUTIUM, 2016. 787 p. ISBN 978-80-214-4825-5
Marek, J., et al. Konstrukce CNC obráběcích strojů. 4nd ed. Praha: MM publishing, s.r.o., 2018. 428 p. ISBN 978-80-906310-8-3.
Marek, J., et al. Konstrukce CNC obráběcích strojů. 4nd ed. Praha: MM publishing, s.r.o., 2018. 428 p. ISBN 978-80-906310-8-3.
Recommended reading
Kolíbal, Z. - Kadlec, Z.: Průmyslové roboty II. Konstrukce výstupních hlavic a periferií, , 0
Kolíbal, Z. : Průmyslové roboty I. Konstrukce průmyslových robotů a manipulátorů (PRaM) , , 0
Kolíbal, Z. : Průmyslové roboty I. Konstrukce průmyslových robotů a manipulátorů (PRaM) , , 0
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N-VSR-K Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Supervision of Master’s thesis
26 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
There are no regular lessons – students work at home or in the faculty labs. The diploma project is worked out under the guidance of a supervisor.