Course detail

Practical Metrology

FSI-XPT-KAcad. year: 2023/2024

This course discusses metrology in the Czech Republic, EU and in the World. Students are familiarized with the measurement principles in detail with emphasis on the practical aspects of dimensional control, geometric tolerances and surface texture evaluation. Special emphasis is devoted to the issue of 3-D measurement and software support of metrological processes in the ISO GPS system.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

The basic knowledge of engineering technology, the knowledge of secondary school mathematics and the bases of statistics.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

The course-unit credits award is based on attendance at seminars, correct elaboration of computational assignment and active participation in its processing.
The final exam will be composed of written and oral part. It is graded on the ECTS grading scale.
Attendance at lectures is voluntary, however recommended. In case of regularly apologized student’s absence in the laboratory practice, the student may attend the laboratory practice together with other student team if
agreed with the lecturer, or again in case of an apologized absence to participate in the alternative laboratory practice at the end of the semester.


Familiarize the students with concepts in metrology and with techniques in correlation to measurement and measurement methods.
Theoretical knowledge in metrology obtained in the lectures. Practical knowledge of measurement obtained in exercies, elaboration of measured variables in compliance with geometrical requirements on the products (GPS).

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Čech,J. a kol.: Strojírenská metrologie, VUT FSI Brno, 2002
Sládek,Z.,Vdoleček,F.: Technická měření, VUT Brno, 1992
Smith,E.: Principles of industrial measurement for control applications.

Recommended reading

CRISPIN, L. Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams. 1st. edition. Addison-Wesley Professional. 2009. 576 p. ISBN-13: 978-0321534460.
Chudý, V. a kol.: Měření technických veličin, STU Bratislava, 1999.
Janíček,P.: Technický experiment, VUT Brno, 1989
SUGA, N. Metrology Handbook: The Science of Measurement. 1st. edition. Mitutoyo (UK) Ltd. 2007. 260 p. ISBN-13: 978-0955613302.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme N-KSB-K Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit


Guided consultation in combined form of studies

9 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Metrology in the Czech Republic, Metrology in the EU, World metrology systems
2.Statistical tools in metrology, calibration of measuring tools
3.Capability of measuring systems
4. Geometrical product specifications (GPS)
5. Size metrology
6. Distance metrology
7. Geometric tolerances in the ISO GPS system
8. ISO GPS texture metrology

Laboratory exercise

9 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Safety in the laboratory, assignment of laboratory measurements, requirements for reports
2.Software for measurement process control
3.Statistical evaluation of the measurement, calibration of measuring tools
4.Design of manual coordinate measuring machines (CMM), preparation of a measurement plan/ Design of an optical profiler, preparation of a sample for measurement
5.Design of an optical profiler, preparation of a sample for measurement/Design of manual coordinate measuring machines (CMM), preparation of a measurement plan
6.Calibration of stylus, levelling/ Measurement preparation, levelling the analyzed surface
7.Measurement preparation, levelling the analyzed surface/ Calibration of stylus, levelling
8.Measurement of geometric elements with a manual CMM/ 3D (topographic) measurements of surfaces
9.3D (topographic)measurements of surfaces/ Measurement of geometric elements with a manual CMM
10.Analysis of dimensions, shape and position of elements/ Calculation and analysis of surface texture parameters
11.Calculation and analysis of surface texture parameters/ Analysis of dimensions, shape and position of elements
12.Creation of sub-programs in CNC mode/ Calculation of 3D surface texture parameters
13.Calculation of 3D surface texture parameters/ Creation of sub-programs in CNC mode

Guided consultation

34 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Metrology in the Czech Republic, Metrology in the EU, World metrology systems
2.Statistical tools in metrology, calibration of measuring tools
3.Capability of measuring systems
4. Geometrical product specifications (GPS)
5. Size metrology
6. Distance metrology
7. Geometric tolerances in the ISO GPS system
8. ISO GPS texture metrology