Course detail
Economics and Business Management
FSI-5EM-KAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course covers the knowledge needs of business management in the field of engineering production with an emphasis on the process approach. It introduces students to the basic economic bases and helps to understand economic production relations in relation to the product in the production system. It is focused mainly on basic information in the field of the company's economy and market principles (e.g. economic result of the enterprise, demand, cost, calculation, production capacity, basics of budgeting, etc.). It also includes the principles of network analysis, market position and strategic planning.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
100% attendance to practice
Test includes 15 test questions (max. 15 points).
Calculation part includes 3 examples (max. 15 points).
27 points or more - A;
:26-23 points - B;
22-19 points - C;
18-17 points - D;
16 points - E
Participation in the seminars is mandatory. In seminars activity and basic knowledge is evaluated.
The students get theoretical knowledge in the production company economy and production management basics. Students should be able to prepare basic technical-economic calculations and apply the knowledge for production management processes.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HARRISON, D.K., PETTY, D.J. Systems for Planning and Control in Manufacturing. Oxford : Butterworth, Heinemann, 2002. 295. ISBN: 0-7506-4977-1.
KOTLER,P.: Marketing.Management , , 0
MAIMON, O., KHMELNITSKY, E., KOGAN, K. Optimal flow control in manufacturing systems (Production Planning and Scheduling). The Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1998. 346. ISBN: 0-7923-5106-1.
PINEDO, Michael L. Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services. New York, USA : Springer, 2005. 506. ISBN: 0-387-22198-0.
SIMEONOV, S. Pokročilé plánování a rozvrhování. Přednášky (Fakulta Strojní VUTBR). 2010
VÍDECKÁ, Z. Plánování a řízení výroby. Přednášky předmětu Informační podpora procesů (Fakulta Podnikatelská VUTBR). 2010
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction - basics of business economics. Characteristics of specific economic situations with emphasis on technical factors: Free competition. Transition to imperfect competition. Monopoly. Oligopoly. Enterprise as an institution.
2. The importance of process management and control through activities; market; market evaluation of the product Nut BCG, Nut GE.
3. The result of the company's activities - evaluation of the company's performance; sales, costs; profit; operating load lever.
4. Production factors; cost typology; cost functions; cost management tools; turning point.
5. Demand functions, market equilibrium. Operational performance of the company. Return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), return on sales (ROS), return on capital employed (ROCE)
6. Economic aspects of quality; quality costs.
7. Calculation of production; calculation methods; procedure for solving individual methods and their practical use.
8. Production capacity, efficiency of production equipment, efficiency of production management, usable time fund.
9. Financial planning, basic company balance sheets, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow (CF).
10. Time and risk in financial management, quantification of risk in financial management and investing, time value of money, hourly cost rate.
11. Planning in society, business. goals, network. CPM analysis and its application in planning.
12. Static and dynamic financial analysis.
13. Production management, resource management, managerial functions, leadership, human resources management.
Guided consultation
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Market, market calculations and comparisons, market position of the product.
3. Evaluation of the company's performance, Profitability.
4. Costs, cost management tools, turning point.
5. Demand functions.
6. Quality costs.
7. Calculation formulas.
8. Production capacity.
9. Company balance sheets.
10. Hourly cost rate, calculations of production capacities.
E-learning texts
01_BCG_GE.pptx 1.58 MB
02_vyrobni_cinnost_naklady_podniku.pptx 1.4 MB
03_HVP_zisk_bod_zvratu.pptx 0.99 MB
04_poptávková funkce.pptx 1.36 MB
05_tržby_náklady_zisk_přiklad.pptx 0.71 MB
06_kalkulace_01.pptx 0.7 MB
08_naklady_kvalita.pptx 0.74 MB
09_vyrobni_kapacita.pptx 0.77 MB
10_HRS.pptx 0.54 MB
11_vykazy.pptx 1.22 MB
12_management.pptx 0.95 MB
13_Síťová analýza.ppt 1.78 MB
13_CPM_PERT_02.pptx 0.57 MB