Course detail


CESA-SFY1Acad. year: 2023/2024

The course Physics 1 deals at first with basis of particle mechanics. Gained knowledge is used to study the influence of physical fields on particle motion. Significant part of the subject is focused on electric and magnetic fields, their formation, laws and mutual nature leading to the concept of electromagnetic field and Maxwell’s equations.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

The student should enter the course at the secondary level:
- have knowledge of basic concepts and laws of mechanics, electricity and magnetism
- to be able to explain the basic concepts and laws of mechanics, electricity and magnetism and also to express in their own words the areas of their use.
- to be able to apply the basic laws of mechanics to simple particle motion, apply laws of electricity and magnetism in simple electrical circuits.
Mathematical apparatus:
Upon entering this subject the student should be able to discuss the basic concepts of secondary school algebra and geometry, calculate linear equations and apply basic goniometric functions.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Study evaluation is based on marks obtained for specified items.
Final classification – max. 100 pts.
Laboratories up to 20 pts. (laboratory measurements and tests, final test)
Seminars up to 15 pts. (2 written tests)
For obtaining the credit it is necessary to measure out and to evaluate the given number of experimental problems and to gain at least 12 points.
Up to 65 pts.
Exam has written form, it consists of the test with selection questions, a theoretical part and examples. To pass the exam it is necessary to gain at least 6 points in theoretical part and in examples.
Attendance in seminars is compulsory. Excused seminars can be made up.
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.


The main objectives are: to provide the students with clear and logical presentation of the basic concepts and principles of physics, and to strengthen an understanding of these concepts and principles through a broad range of interesting applications.
Graduates in the subject are able to
define concepts of mechanics and dynamics of mass point, and of electric and magnetic fields by means of differential and integral calculus,
describe basic laws and principles of above mentioned area,
discuss conditions for application of laws of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, explain their mutual relations, distinguish the proper form of rules in selected area,
apply knowledge of studied principles in mutual connections, classify forces in electric and magnetic fields and calculate simple trajectories of charged particles,
practice theoretical laws in physical laboratories,
compare and analyze laws of electric and magnetic fields, clarify their mutual nature, explain electromagnetic field described by Maxwell’s equations.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

HALLIDAY D., RESNICK R., WALKER J.: Fyzika Vysoké učení technické v Brně Vutium, Prometheus Praha, 2000, 2003, 2006 (CS)

Recommended reading


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme SPC-STC Bachelor's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Pohybová rovnice a její aplikace. Práce, energie, výkon.
Zákony zachování. Srážky.
Gravitační a tíhové pole.
Elektrický náboj, Coulombův zákon. Intenzita elektrického pole, siločáry.
Bodový náboj a dipól v elektrickém poli. Gaussův zákon elektrostatiky.
Kapacita. Elektrostatické pole v dielektriku. Energie elektrostatického pole.
Elektrický proud, rovnice kontinuity. Ohmův zákon.
Elektromotorické napětí, práce a výkon elektrického proudu. Vedení proudu v látkách.
Magnetické pole vyvolané proudem, Biotův-Savartův zákon, magnetické indukční čáry.
Ampérův zákon celkového proudu. Silové působení magnetického pole.
Gaussův zákon pro magnetické pole. Magnetické pole v látkách.
Faradayův indukční zákon. Cívky a indukčnost.
Maxwellovy rovnice v integrálním tvaru pro vakuum a pro dielektrikum.

Guided consultation

13 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer

Fundamentals seminar

13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Pohybová rovnice, zákony zachování v mechanice, srážky.
Intenzita elektrického pole. Gaussův zákon elektrostatiky.
Magnetické pole vyvolané proudem, zákon celkového proudu. Silové působení magnetického pole.
Gaussův zákon pro magnetické pole. Faradayův indukční zákon.

Laboratory exercise

13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Pravidla práce v laboratoři. Zpracování a prezentace uskutečněného měření.
Určování momentů setrvačnosti. Zákony zachování momentu setrvačnosti a mechanické energie.
Tíhové zrychlení - Reverzní kyvadlo.
Rychlost světla.
Měrný náboj elektronu.
Teplotní závislost odporu kovů a polovodičů. Termistor.
Magnetické pole kolem vodiče. Silové působení magnetického pole.
Magnetické vlastnosti látek.
Hallův jev.
Absorpce světla.
Polarizované světlo, interference světla, laser.
Seminář, prezentace seminární práce.
