Course detail


CESA-SSTKAcad. year: 2023/2024

Definition of mechanics of bodies and the subject Static, relation to other subjects. Model and theoretical aspects of mechanics and definition of basic concepts. Systems of force, force, moment of force to a point and to an axis. Classification of force systems and their characteristic quantities. The problem of static equivalence of force systems and static equilibrium of bodies, basic tasks of statics. Center of gravity of bodies and methods of its determination. Geometry and characteristics of contact of bodies, computational models of contact. Body arrangement, algorithm for solving static equilibrium of a bound body. Systems of bound bodies and their static solution. Basic graphical constructions. Member systems and their static solution. Passive resistances - their analysis and computational models, relaxation of basic contact constraints at actual motion states. Solution of static equilibrium of a body in motion and a system of bodies with consideration of passive resistances. Solution of the resulting internal effects in straight members by integral and differential approaches.  

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

The student should enter the course at the secondary level:
- have got knowledge of basic concepts and laws of mechanics
- to be able to explain the basic concepts and laws of mechanics and also to express their own areas of use.
- to be able to apply the basic laws of mechanics to the simple movement of the particle.
Mathematical apparatus:
Upon entering this subject the student should be able to discuss the basic concepts of secondary school algebra and geometry, calculate linear equations and apply basic goniometric functions

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

The course-unit credit is granted under the condition of active participation in seminars and passing the seminar tests of basic knowledge (at least 10 ECTS points out of 20 must be gained). The points gained in seminar tests are included in the final course evaluation.
Final examination: Written part of the examination plays a decisive role, where the maximum of 80 ECTS points can be reached. Solution of several computational problems is demanded. The problems come from typical profile areas of given subject and supplied by a theoretical question, proof, etc. The lecturer will specify exact demands like the number and types problems during the semester preceding the examination.
Final evaluation of the course is obtained as the sum of ECTS points gained in seminars and at the examination. To pass the course, at least 50 points must be reached.
Attendance at seminars is required. Head of seminars carry out continuous monitoring of student's presence, their activities and basic knowledge. One absence can be compensated for by attending a seminar with another group in the same week, or by elaboration of substitute tasks.


The aim of the subject is to formulate and introduce basic concepts, formulation of computational models, theories and algorithms needed to solve static problems. Acquired basic knowledge is necessary for the follow-up course Technical Mechanics.
Graduate of the subject is able to describe and classify force systems, determine their characteristic quantities and possibilities of equivalent substitution of force effect. Student will gain knowledge about computational models of contact of bodies without taking into account passive resistances, analysis of kinematic and static quality of storage of bodies and their systems, release of bodies and solution of their static equilibrium. Student will learn the basic graphical methods of solution and determine the resulting internal effects in bars.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Florian, Z., Pellant, K., Suchánek, M.: Technická mechanika I - statika, 2004
Florian, Z., Suchánek, M.: Mechanika těles - úlohy ze statiky, 1997

Recommended reading

Not applicable.


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme SPC-STC Bachelor's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Definition of mechanics, basic concepts, force, moment of force to a point and to an axis 2. Force systems 3. Classification and characteristic quantities of force systems. Equivalence of force systems and static equilibrium of a body 5. Basic problems of statics 6. Geometry and characteristics of body contact, computational models of contact 7. Algorithm for the solution of static equilibrium of a body, fit of a body 8. Basic graphical constructions 9. Systems of bodies and their static solution numerically and graphically 10. Member systems, general and gradual contact method 11. Passive resistances - their analysis and computational models, basic contact bonds and their relaxation 12. Passive resistances, solution of static equilibrium of bodies and systems in motion 13. Resulting internal effects in members - integral and differential approach 

Guided consultation

13 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer

Fundamentals seminar

26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Definition of mechanics, basic concepts, force, moment of force to a point and to an axis 2. Force systems 3. Classification and characteristic quantities of force systems. Equivalence of force systems and static equilibrium of a body 5. Basic problems of statics 6. Geometry and characteristics of body contact, computational models of contact 7. Algorithm for the solution of static equilibrium of a body, fit of a body 8. Basic graphical constructions 9. Systems of bodies and their static solution numerically and graphically 10. Member systems, general and gradual contact method 11. Passive resistances - their analysis and computational models, basic contact bonds and their relaxation 12. Passive resistances, solution of static equilibrium of bodies and systems in motion 13. Resulting internal effects in members - integral and differential approach 
