Course detail

Contemporary Approaches in Theory 1 (1945-1989)

FaVU-2SPvT1Acad. year: 2023/2024

The course is based on a detailed critical reading of selected texts in contemporary philosophy and the humanities, with a focus on refining an orientation to basic concepts, methods, and issues. Thematically, the course is not limited to art theory and criticism, but seeks a more comprehensive literacy in contemporary academic discourse. The first part of the course will focus on selected currents in the period roughly from the end of World War II to the fall of the Iron Curtain – critical theory in the context of Western Marxism, semiotics, structuralism and poststructuralism, feminist and queer theory, postcolonial thought, and postmodern theory. The diachronic perspective through which students are introduced to selected approaches is intended to strengthen the placement of the theories in the broader context of recent history.  

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge


Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

The following conditions are set for the award of the examination: 

- active participation in class (75 % participation) or its replacement by written research of the missed material to the extent agreed with the teacher; 

- a short oral presentation on a chosen topic from the material covered during the semester. 

Teaching takes place in the classrooms of the FFA BUT in the hours determined by the schedule. Attendance is compulsory (3 unexcused absences allowed). Higher number of absences can be compensated by submitting an alternative assignment after agreement with the teacher.  


The goal of the course is to deepen students' orientation to key concepts, methods, and problems in contemporary philosophy and the humanities and to strengthen their critical thinking skills.  
Students will gain a deeper orientation in the conceptual apparatus of selected approaches in philosophy and social sciences of the second half of the 20th century, strengthening the ability of critical reading and argumentation.  

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Roland BARTHES, Mytologie. Praha: Dokořán 2004.
Vincent DESCOMBES, Stejné a jiné, Praha: ISE 1995.
Raymond GEUSS, The Idea of a Critical Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press1981.
Donna HARAWAY, „Kyborgský manifest“, in: Helena BENDOVÁ – Matěj STRNAD (eds.), Společenské vědy a audiovize, Praha: NAMU 2014, s. 607–639.
Libora OATES-INDRUCHOVÁ (ed.), Dívčí válka s ideologií. Praha: SLON, 1998.

Recommended literature

Anour ABDEL–MALEK – Chinua ACHEBE – Aimé CÉSAIRE – Achille MBEMBE – Edward W. SAID – Ngũgĩ Wa THIONGʼO, Postkoloniální myšlení II, Praha:, 2011.
Theodor W. ADORNO, Estetická teorie, Praha: Panglos 1997.
Theodor W. ADORNO – Max HORKHEIMER, Dialektika osvícenství, Praha: OIKOYMENH 2009.
Louis ALTHUSSER, „Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. Notes towards an Investigation“, in: Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, New York: Monthly Review Press 1971.
Jean BAUDRILLARD, Amerika, Praha: Dauphin 2000.
Jean BAUDRILLARD, „Simulakra a simulace“, in: Jiří ŠEVČÍK – Pavlína MORGANOVÁ – Terezie NEKVINDOVÁ – Dagmar SVATOŠOVÁ (eds.), České umění 1980–2010. Texty a dokumenty, Praha: AVU 2011, s. 263–265.
Peter BÜRGER, Teorie avantgardy. Stárnutí moderny, Praha: AVU 2015.
Guy DEBORD, Společnost spektáklu, Praha: Intu 2007.
Gilles DELEUZE – Félix GUATTARI, Tisíc plošin, Praha: Herrmann & synové 2010.
Terry EAGLETON, „Ideologie estetična“, in: Pavel ZAHRÁDKA (ed.), Estetika na přelomu milénia. Vybrané problémy současné estetiky, Brno: Barrister & Principal 2010, s. 301–311.
Terry EAGLETON, Idea kultury, Brno: Host 2000.
Frantz FANON, Černá kůže, bílé masky, Praha: tranzit, 2011.
Michel FOUCAULT, Dohlížet a trestat. Kniha o zrodu vězení, Praha: Dauphin 2000.
Michel FOUCAULT, Myšlení vnějšku, Praha: Herrmann & synové 2003.
Josef FULKA, Psychoanalýza a francouzské myšlení, Praha: Herrmann & synové 2008.
Donna HARAWAY, „Tentacular Thinking. Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene“, e-flux Journal, 2016, č. 75,
Fredric JAMESON, Postmodernismus neboli kulturní logika pozdního kapitalismu, Praha: Rybka 2016.
Jean-François LYOTARD, O postmodernismu (Postmoderno vysvětlované dětem; Postmoderní situace), Praha: Filosofický ústav AVČR 1993.
Herbert MARCUSE, Psychoanalýza a politika, Praha: Svoboda 1970
Herbert MARCUSE, „O afirmativním charakteru kultury“, Divadlo, roč. 19, 1968, č. 3, s. 46–55, č. 4, s. 47–57.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme VUM_M Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Critical Theory and Western Marxism – lecture 

2. Critical Theory and Western Marxism – seminar, discussion over the reading of the selected text 

3. Semiotics Structuralism and Poststructuralism – lecture 

4. Semiotics, Structuralism and Poststructuralism – seminar, discussion of the reading of the selected text 

5. Feminist and Queer Theory – lecture 

6. Feminist and Queer Theory – seminar, discussion of the reading of the selected text 

7. Postcolonial Thought – lecture 

8. Postcolonial Thought – seminar, discussion on the reading of the selected text 

9. Theory of Postmodernism – lecture 

10. Theory of Postmodernism – seminar, discussion of the reading of the selected text 

11. Student presentations and discussions on topics discussed during the semester 

12. Student presentations and discussions on topics discussed during the semester 

13. Student presentations and discussions on topics discussed during the semester 



13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer