Course detail

Module Project II

FSI-GMQAcad. year: 2024/2025

Modul project is intended to deepen knowledges the obtained knowledge and to introduce its use in practice by project and construction team work on application-focused projects from industrial and research practice.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

Theoretical knowledge gained during previous studies and related to the topic of the modular project is expected.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Graded course-unit credit is awarded on the basis of results of a project report and defence. It is evaluated by a tutor or coordinator or appointed project tutor.

Obligatory attendance in seminars durong run on the BUT Brno (CZ) and TUC Chemnitz (D). Absence can be compensated on agreement with the teacher. Change in covid-19 containments reserved.


The objective of the course is to prepare a student to deal with specific practical problems and to teach him/her how to present and defend his/her results. On top of that, students will get ready to work on a diploma project and master the principles of project work.

Students will learn how to apply theoretical knowledge on specific practical cases. They will complete their knowledge by getting practical skills within the studied branch and will improve some of their soft skills such as communication, presentation, self-presentation or teamwork.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

KOLÍBAL, Zdeněk. Roboty a robotizované výrobní technologie. První vydání. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně – nakladatelství VUTIUM, 2016. ISBN 978-80-214-4828-5. (CS)
SHIGLEY, Joseph Edward, Charles R. MISCHKE a Richard G. BUDYNAS, VLK, Miloš (ed.). Konstruování strojních součástí. 1. vyd. Přeložil Martin HARTL. V Brně: VUTIUM, 2010. Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic. ISBN 978-80-214-2629-0. (EN)
MAREK, J. a kol. Konstrukce CNC obráběcích strojů III. Třetí vydání. Praha: MM publishing, s. r. o. ISBN- 978-80-260-6780-1. (CS)

Recommended reading

SHIGLEY, Joseph Edward, Charles R. MISCHKE a Richard G. BUDYNAS, VLK, Miloš (ed.). Konstruování strojních součástí. 1. vyd. Přeložil Martin HARTL. V Brně: VUTIUM, 2010. Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic. ISBN 978-80-214-2629-0. (EN)
Wouter Baars: Project Management Handbook, Version 1.1 - July 2006, DANS – Data Archiving and Networked Services, The Hague – 2006, ISBN 90 6984 496 6 (EN)
S ohledem na konkrétní zadání

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme N-VSY-P Master's, 2. year of study, summer semester, compulsory

  • Programme C-AKR-P Lifelong learning

    specialization CLS , 1. year of study, summer semester, elective

Type of course unit



52 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Contents and procedure are individual and are decided by the supervisor of the course.
1. Establishment of the work teams and project setting.
2. - 5. Individual literature problems search, design and calculations according to project setting.
6. - 13. Elaboration of report and technical documentation according to project setting.