Course detail
Recovery and Surface Treatment
FSI-HPUAcad. year: 2024/2025
The course Recovery and Surface Treatment is important for technologists and designers. It is based on the technology of:
- weld cladding: arc welding, flame welding, plasma and laser welding, inclusive of special techniques,
- thermal spraying by: arc, flame, plasma, high velocity methods (HVOF),
- surface treatment: surface theory, oxidation methods (eloxal process), electroplating Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, etc. - - organic coatings
- bonding, cementation, adhesive, dispersion hardening.
All technologies will be accompanied with an overview of auxiliary materials, typical examples and industrial applications
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Basic welding technologies - flame, arc welding, plasma, laser. Thermally and deformation field, weldability of materials, inorganic chemistry, corrosion.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The final exam will be composed of written and oral part. It is classificated to the ECTS grading scale.
Attendance at exercises is compulsory. Absence may be compensated for by the agreement with the teacher who can set a special programme to be worked out.
The main objective of the course is to provide students with the theoretical foundations and methodology necessary for solving technologies of renovations and surface treatment. Students will acquire knowledge necessary for a creative and complex solution of renovations and surface treatment.
The students will acquire knowledge of all types of modern technology cladding and surface treatment. They will be able to apply these technologies to the machine construction manufacturing.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ASM H.C.: METALS HANDBOOK, ed.9, volume 5, surfac., clean, finish., and coating
KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Technologie svařování a zařízení. 1.vyd. ZEROSS v Ostravě v edici Svařování, Ostrava, srpen 2001, 395 s. ISBN 80-85771-81-0.
Recommended reading
Mohyla M. : Technologie povrchových úprav kovů
Sedláček V.: Povrchy a povlaky kovů
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N-STG-P Master's
specialization STM , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
specialization MTS , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
specialization STG , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory - Programme C-AKR-P Lifelong learning
specialization CLS , 1 year of study, summer semester, elective
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1)Importance of renovation and surface treatment, surface theory, degreasing
2)Hard surfacing by flame, plasma, electric arc
3)Hard surfacing by electric contacts, vibration, microsurfacing
4)Thermal spraying, basic technology, coat structure, properties
5)Thermal spraying by plasma, flame, consumables
6)Thermal spraying electric arc and high-velocity flame spraying, applications
7)Adhesive bonding, joints, hardening
8)Cementation, importance, materials, slide paint
9)Coatings deposited from liquid, galvanic
10)Coatings deposited oxidation , melt metal coating
11) Pickling, polishing, enameling, diffuse saturation
12)Organic layers, paint
13)Summary of applications labs and studios
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
1) Nickel alloy welding, renovation procedure
2) Arc welding - renovation of the part
3) Demonstration of flame and arc cladding
4) Calculation of hot-dip galvanizing costs
5) Demonstration of the thermal spraying coatings, Project renovation process setting
6) Measurement of thickness coatings
7) Electroplating + professional excursion - electroplating workshop
8) Demonstration of the adhesive bonding and cementing Calculation of the strength of adhesive bonding joints
9) Design of surface treatment with organic coatings
10) Design of surface treatment by hot-dip galvanizing 11) Economic evaluation, calculation of the costs of the specified renovation 12) Professional excursion - heat spraying workplace 13) Credit