Course detail
Electromechanical Conversion of Energy
FSI-REEAcad. year: 2024/2025
The basic laws of electromagnetism applied in the theory of electrical machines. Magnetic circuits of electrical machines. The basic voltage equations, equivalent circuit diagrams, phasor diagrams, the basic electrical connections of electrical machines. Energy and power flow diagrams, losses and efficiency. Torque equation. Electrical machines performance. Basic characteristics of electrical machines.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Basic laws and terminology of electrical and mechanical engineering. Three-phase systems.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Three control tests, 20 points together. Credit minimum: 10 points.
Four protocols, each one for two points. Credit minimum: none of the protocols with 0 point.
Examination from numerical and laboratory exercises - 7 points. Credit minimum: 4 points.
Final exam - 65 points.
Attendance at practical training is obligatory.
To acquaint the students with the principle of operation and performance of transformers, induction machines, DC machines and synchronous machines. The theoretical knowledge is proved in laboratory exercises.
The students will be acquainted with the basic knowledge of electromechanical energy conversion, with basic constructional parts of electrical machines and with the principle of electrical machines operation. Single-phase and multiphase transformers. Parallel operation. Three-phase induction motor. Generation of revolving magnetic field. Torque characteristic, starting of induction motors. Single-phase induction motor. Three-phase induction motor on single-phase mains. Principle of operation and basic equations of a synchronous machine. Non-salient pole synchronous machine. Salient pole synchronous machine. Connection to the electrical grid. DC machine principle of operation. DC generators.Performance of DC motors.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Fitzgerald, A. E., Charles Kingsley, and Stephen D. Umans. Electric Machinery. Boston, Mass: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
ONDRŮŠEK, Čestmír. Elektrické stroje. Skriptum VUT v Brně, 2016.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Basic laws of electromagnetism related to electrical machines.
2. Principle of electromechanical energy conversion.
3. Transformers. Ideal transformer, actual transformer, basic equations.
4. Principle of operation and construction of power transformers.
5. Three-phase transformers, winding connection, parallel operation.
6. Magnetic circuit and winding of electrical machines.Principle of operation of induction machine, generation of revolving magnetic field.
7. Equivalent circuit diagram, fundamental equations and torque characteristics.
8. Starting of induction machines, speed control.
9. Single-phase induction machine. Three-phase induction machine in single-phase mains.
10. Synchronous machine. Principle of operation and construction.
11. Theory of non-salient machine. Torque characteristic, synchronous machine with individual load and parallel operation.
12. DC machines. Principle of operation and construction, fundamental equations.
13. DC machines steady-state performance.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Safety of work in the laboratory and the main parts of electrical machines.
2. Basic equations and measurement procedures.
3. Transformers.
4. Measurement of a three-phase transformer.
5. Transformers, induction machines.
6. Induction machines.
7. Measurement of an induction machine – torque-speed characteristic.
8. Measurement of an induction machine - no-load and short-circuit tests.
9. Synchronous machines.
10. DC machines.
11. Measurement of DC machines.
12. Repetition of the studied material and measurements.
13. Evaluation.