Course detail
Limit States of Metallic Structures
FSI-RMKAcad. year: 2024/2025
Limit states - their general classification, limit states in strength analysis. Fatigue of structures, basic characteristics, durability assessment of service life under low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue. The most important concepts of linear-elastic and elasto-plastic fracture mechanics. Evaluation of the resistance of structures to brittle failure at the stage of their design. Assessment of the crack as a defect under monotonic and cyclic stresses.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Empirical calculation of machine parts.
Static structural analysis of parts using finite element method.
Material characteristics of metallic materials (without a crack and with crack) in terms of monotonic and cyclic loading and also in terms of reduced, normal, and elevated temperature.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Attendance at seminars is mandatory. A one-time absence can be replaced by exercising with another group in the same week or by working on a substitute assignment. Prolonged absence is replaced by a special assignment according to the instructions of the instructor or lecturer.
Gaining an overview of the limit states during the design and assessment of metal structures. In further technical practice, graduates will be able to specify the individual steps of assessment according to the necessary regulations, standards or guidelines.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Dowling, N. E.: Mechanical behavior of materials: engineering methods for deformation, fracture, and fatigue, 4th ed. Boston: Pearson, c2013. ISBN 01-313-9506-8. (EN)
Lee, Y.L., Barkey M.E., Kang H.T.: Metal fatigue analysis handbook: Practical problem-solving techniques for computer-aided engineering. USA: Elsevier, 2012. ISBN 978-0-012-385204-5. (EN)
Vlk, M.: Dynamická pevnost a životnost, skriptum, VUT Brno 1992 (CS)
Vlk, M., Florian, Z.: Mezní stavy a spolehlivost, skriptum, Brno 2007 (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
A set of selected limit states of technical objects.
Concept (philosophy) of design and assessment, plan to ensure the integrity of the structure.
Failure during cyclic loading without a crack.
Subcritical crack growth.
Brittle fracture.
Computer-assisted exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Fatigue assessment of welded joints with a crack.
Fatigue assessment of notched part in the high cyclic region.
Fatigue assessment of notched part in the low cyclic region.
Use of linear elastic fracture mechanics parameters to calculate service life.
Determination of the value of the J-integral using FEM and its use.
Use of a fracture diagram when assessing a body with a crack.