Course detail

Proseminar in Optics

FSI-T0SAcad. year: 2024/2025

The course deals with selected topics of optics which were not talked about in the previous semester. Partly, it can be modified according to suggestion or needs of students. Students experience also some experimental work in laboratory.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

Wave optics

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Students are evaluated on the basis of discussion on topics explained during the course and processing of a selected topic. 

The attendance at the courses is obligatory. In the case of excused absence an individual way of compensation can be arranged.


The aim is to extend the understanding of selected optical principles and effects and support of individual or group dealing with problems using a mathematical description or work in the laboratory.

Students will acquire the knowledge and skills of selected parts of geometrical and wave optics.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Bajer, J: Optika, Olomouc, 2018 

Saleh, B. E. A., Teich, C.: Základy fotoniky. Matfyzpress, Praha 1994.

Malý, P.: Optika. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Karolinum, 2013.

Recommended reading

Hecht, E.: Optics. Pearson, 2017.

Born, M., Wolf, E.: Principles of Optics. 7th ed. Cambridge University Press 1999.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme N-PMO-P Master's, 1. year of study, summer semester, elective

Type of course unit



10 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


  1. Principles of light generation
  2. Absorption of light
  3. Dispersion of light
  4. Propagation of a wave packet
  5. Matrix optics
  6. Stigmatic and astigmatig imaging
  7. Spatial filtration, 4F system
  8. Basic conceprs of Fourier optics

The curriculum can be changed according to suggestion and needs of students.

Laboratory exercise

6 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Spatial filtration, 4F system


10 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Seminars include practical problems related to the course.