Course detail
Diagnostics in Electricity Industry
FEKT-MKC-DELAcad. year: 2024/2025
Content of the course covers basics of diagnostics in consequence of faults progress and symptoms and in context of the faults causes seeking and their relationships. Chosen diagnostics methods used for apparatus condition determination, level of failure assessment and faults location using analysis of electrical and non-electrical quantities are discussed.
The course is aimed to vibro-diagnostics, noise-diagnostics, infra-diagnostics, and some electro-diagnostic methods oriented to diagnostics of chosen electrical apparatus and to electro-insulating systems in general. There are taken into consideration fundamentals of progress and detection of faults, measurement and test systems, including signal analysis and evaluation procedures as a part of all mentioned diagnostic methods. Attention is also focused to subsequent utilization of diagnostic data for complex diagnostic systems of technological entities.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Overall classification of the course is in compliance with the FEEC rules. Requirements for completion of the course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible of the course and are updated for every year.
The final exam is aimed at understanding in the field of power engineering apparatus diagnostics using vibro-, infra-, noise-diagnostics and chosen electro-diagnostics methods.
The content and forms of course units are specified by a regulation issued by the responsible lecturer and are updated for every academic year. In general, the presence at class is optional except laboratory training, which is mandatory. Missed laboratory training can be accomplished within semester in an alternative date in justified cases, whereas regular letter of apology and agreement with the teacher is required.
Student is able to:
- describe principles of diagnostics in engineering,
- discuss methods, testing and procedures of diagnostics in electrical power engineering,
- explain basics of vibro-, infra-, noise-diagnostics and chosen electro-diagnostics methods,
- perform diagnostics of common electric power apparatus,
- describe measurement and testing procedures,
- address condition of an apparatus, range of failure, including its localization.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MKC-EEN Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Vibrodiagnostic. Fundamentals, quantities, sensors, instrumentation. Signal analysis, faults analysis and their location.
Noise-diagnostic. Quantities, sensors, instrumentation, measurement methodology. Utilization of acoustic emissions in diagnostic.
Infradiagnostics. Fundamentals, detectors, thermovision systems. Diagnostics using thermovision.
Diagnostics based on input current analysis. Current transducers, instrumentation, signal analysis. Application on an asynchronous machine diagnostics.
Diagnostics of windings using impulse wave. Principal, utilization, test system, testing procedure and evaluation.
Insulation systems diagnostics. Diagnostics using frequency response. Fundamentals, utilization (transformers), testing system, measurement result evaluation.
Insulation systems diagnostics. Diagnostics using measurement of insulation apparent resistance and time constant. Fundamentals, utilization, testing system, measurement result evaluation.
Insulation systems diagnostics. Diagnostics using insulation system capacitance and loss factor. Fundamentals, utilization, testing system, measurement result evaluation.
Insulation systems diagnostics. Diagnostics using C2/C50 ratio. Fundamentals, utilization, testing system, measurement result evaluation.
Diagnostics of power networks insulation condition. Faults, diagnostic systems.
Diagnostics of chosen apparatus. Generators, machines, transformers, cables, power lines.
Information systems for Technological facilities Diagnostics. Integrated diagnostic systems, their architecture, utilization, solutions.
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
Signal processing and analysis.
Diagnostic data evaluation
Team-project presentations.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Vibro-diagnostics of induction machine drive drives in frequency domain.
Electrical machines noise emission measurement and analysis.
Contactless temperature measurement.
Thermo-vision measurement and Infradiagnostics of electrical apparatus.
Power cables fault diagnostics using time domain reflectometry.
Winding diagnostics using impulse wave.
Induction machine diagnostics based on stator current analysis.
Insulation test of electrical machines by DC and AC voltage.
Monitoring of low voltage distribution systems insulation condition.