Course detail
AC Drives
FEKT-MPC-RP2Acad. year: 2024/2025
Three phase system - configuration Y/D. Definition of complex space vector (CSV). Rotating coordinates transformation. Power analysis in three-phase system. Mathematical model of transformer and equivalent circuit. Three-phase vector described via CSV. Mathematical analysis of induction machine. Induction machine model based on ideal rotational transformer principle. Equivalent circuit in dq rotational coordinates. Control techniques of induction machine oriented on stator and rotor flux. Speed and torque control in open and feedback loop. Vector control techniques of induction machine oriented on stator and rotor flux. Control characteristics of induction machine. Mathematical analysis of synchronous machine. Induction machine model based on ideal rotational transformer principle. Equivalent circuit in dq rotational coordinates. Control characteristics of synchronous machine. Control characteristics of synchronous machine with or without saliency. Mathematical analysis of switched reluctance machine (SRM). Control techniques of SRM
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
- apply Laplace transform
- apply complex numbers
- apply principles of integral and derivation computation
- explain physical and electrical principles related to electromechanical energy transformation
- apply continuous control theory
- realize models in MATLAB – SIMULINK environment
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Passed student the course is able to
- describe and explain way and condition of variables description using space vectors in AC electric machines
- explain Clark and Park transform and their meaning. To define significant coordination frames
- explain how power and torque is computed using space vectors
- describe and explain induction machine dynamic model and its transformation in to various coordinate systems
- describe and explain synchronous machine model. Modify it for various variants of synchronous machine.
- describe and explain common method of scalar control of induction machine
- describe and explain common method of field oriented control of induction machine
- describe and explain common method of field oriented control of synchronous machine
- describe three-phase transistor inverter model. Define its inputs and outputs gain and transfer function.
In laboratory exercises is validated to:
- realize dynamic models of AC machines
- realize dynamic models of control methods of ac machines
- determine transfer functions of controlled systems for particular control methods
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Jiří Flajtingr, Lumír Kule, Elektrické pohony se střídavými motory a polovodičovými měniči, ISBN 80-7043-354-X (CS)
Patočka M., Magnetické jevy a obvody ve výkonové elektronice, měřící technice a silnoproudé elektrotechnice, VUTIUM, Brno 2011 (CS)
Veltman A, Pulle D, De Doncker R (2011) Advanced Electrical Drives. Springer Heidel-berg. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit