Course detail

Specialized seminar

FAST-NHA064Acad. year: 2024/2025

Technical solutions respecting latest advances in sustainable building.
Analysis of assigned problems: on-site experiments or computer simulations. Evaluation and interpretation of results.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Building Structures (PST)

Entry knowledge

Elementary knowledge in the fields of building design, building technical systems, experimental methods and building dyagnostics.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


Not applicable.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Vyhláška č. 323/2017 Sb., o technických požadavcích na stavby v platném znění. (CS)
Vyhláška č. 398/2009 Sb., o obecných technických požadavcích zabezpečujících bezbariérové užívání staveb. (CS)
Vyhláška č. 405/2017 Sb., o dokumentaci staveb v platném znění. (CS)
Zákon č. 225/2017 Sb., o územním plánování a stavebním řádu v platném znění. (CS)

Recommended reading

REMEŠ, Josef, Ivana UTÍKALOVÁ, Petr KACÁLEK, Lubor KALOUSEK a Tomáš PETŘÍČEK. Stavební příručka. Praha: GRADA, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-5142- (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme NPC-EVB Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Analysis of the assigned building. 2. Conceptual design of assigned part of the building. 3. Conceptual design of building technical systems. 4. Design of measures necessary to lower the environmental impacts of the building. 5-6. Design of assigned part of the building. 7-8. Design of assigned technical systems or application of renewable (or waste) energy sources 9. Assignment of on-site experiments or computer simulations 10. Preparation of on-site experiments or computer simulations 11-12. On-site experiments or computer simulations 13. Evaluation and interpretation of results