Course detail

Computer Science for Architects

FAST-BUA016Acad. year: 2024/2025

Introduction to modern techniques of presentation of architectural design with an emphasis on processing raster graphics and to the guiding principles for the design of printed and online presentations with an emphasis on composition and image content.
Practical examples of global and local editing of a raster image, retouching, inserting texts into a raster image, work in layers, creating simple photomontages, work with color and alpha channels, with masks, with tools for geometric transformations.
Practical examples of the use of a photorealistic montage in the final phase of model visualisation.
Individual work demonstrating that a student has mastered the main principles of processing a raster image and of creating presentation documents.
Work in Adobe Photoshop.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Computer Aided Engineering and Computer Science (AIU)

Entry knowledge

Advanced knowledge of 2D ad 3D modelling, Internet technologies, basics of computer graphics.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Attendance in lectures and seminars directed by teacher. Theoretical test of lectures matter. The self-selected theme of PowerPoint presentation including oral presentation and web pages with the same theme.

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


Basic knowledge of Computer Science necessary for the whole study of Civil Engineering. Know-how for effective using of PC in engineering practice.

Advanced skills in presentations, raster image processing and internet presentation design

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Novotná, H. a kol.: Základy informatiky. Internetové učební texty, 2009.

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BPC-APS Bachelor's, 3. year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Introduction to work with raster graphics. Adobe Photoshop and its user interface. Basic editing raw images: color adjustments, image size and resolution . 2. Image layers. Main principles of image processing for printed and electronic documents. 3. Image color channels. Retouching bitmap, painting and retouching tools. 4., 5. Working in a part of a picture: local editing, creating a simple photomontage. Tools for selecting image areas, combinations of selections, more accurate selection border. Creating photomontages. 6. Vector graphics in Photoshop – paths, converting paths to selection borders. 7. Inserting objects to an image, light in the image, creating a contact and drop shadows. 8. Channels: color channels, alpha channels, Quick Mask mode. Masking of layers . 9., 10. Geometric transformations in an image. Working with perspective. Vanishing Point Filter . 11. The final phase of model visualization, rendering, export from 3D modelers, inserting the model into real photo. 12. Basics of photography, photography of architecture. Consult of individual works. 13. Test, credit.