Course detail

Geographical Information Systems 2

FAST-NEA042Acad. year: 2024/2025

Geographic Information System (GIS), its purpose, function and structure; GIS and CAD relationship; geographic topographic object, homeomorphism, information and database systems, data mining (genetic algorithms, neural networks), fundamentals of graph theory, data models in GIS (raster, vector, matrix data), topology in GIS, digital terrain models, data models in GIS; GIS standardization (metadata, data quality, errors in data), ontology, big data, multi-criteria analysis, map algebra, Web-GIS, spatial analysis, reverse engineering, BIM.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Geodesy (GED)

Entry knowledge

computer skills, basic databases, statistics, applied mathematics

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


Understanding of information systems and databases with connection to spatial identification.
Basis knowledge needed for GIS design.
Ability to create a GIS project in Geomedia Intergraph and Arc/Info Systems.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Not applicable.

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme NPC-GK Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction, definition of GIS, history, structure, relation to other fields, geographic object, GIS processing chain, mathematical basis of geo-database (homeomorphism). 2. Theory of information. Information Systems (IS), definitions and types of IS, UML diagrams, ISKN structure, IS in state administration (system of 4 basic registers), GeoInfoStrategie. 3. Database systems. Relational and object data model, relational algebra, SQL language. Spatial data structures, SQL spatial queries, deductive databases. 4. Data mining, methods (cluster analysis, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms). 5. Fundamentals of graph theory. Definitions, basic concepts, structure storage patterns, basic graph algorithms used in GIS (minimal framework, minimum path between two nodes, task of Chinese letterhead, Hamilton path). Planar charts, chart coloring. 6. Topology. History, mathematical and pragmatic approach. Topology according to DIGEST standard. 7. Data models in GIS. Raster, vector, matrix data. Data sources for GIS in the Czech Republic and abroad. 8. Issues of processing large volume data (Big Data). 9. Metadata, data quality, data errors. INSPIRE directive, ontology. 10. Digital terrain models. Definitions, algorithms of creation and optimization, issues of 3D imaging. 11. Map algebra, GIS on-line, web map services, web portals. 12. Spatial analysis. History, Measurement and Classification Functions, focal Functions, Overlay Function, joining Functions. 13. Multi-criteria analysis, methods, applications, reverse engineering, Building Information Modelling (BIM).


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction, introduction to the topics, conditions for granting credit. Basic information about Arc / Info, the basics of working with ArcCatalog and ArcGIS. 2. Vodohospodářský projekt – part 1. 3. Vodohospodářský projekt – part 2. 4. Image classification - supervised. 5. Use of unsupervised classification – flood assessment. 6. Distance analysis. 7. Hydrological modelling. 8. Work with database, DMT, profiles. 9. QGIS product, basic information, familiarity with the program environment. 10. Project in QGIS - Cloud Point Processing. 11. Python Scripting Language, alternatively creating online geo-web applications. 12. Using Python in QGIS. 13. Final project.