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Course detail
FAST-BJA020Acad. year: 2024/2025
The course covers the fundamentals and development of applied thermodynamics and its importance in the thermal processes of building materials production. The laws of thermodynamics, fluid flow, heat sharing, vapor thermodynamics, moist air thermodynamics, i-x diagram of moist air, drying process, fundamentals of combustion, heat balance of furnaces and an overview of furnace units in building materials production. Last but not least, the energetics of building materials production.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Basic knowledge of physics, knowledge of technological processes for binders and ceramic products production, especially drying and burning processes.Furthermore, knowledge of the physics of building materials.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Students' knowledge will be verified by two credit tests. The maximum number of points for each test is 100.
A condition for the award of credit in the subject Technical Thermodynamics is regular attendance in the classes and obtaining a minimum of 50 points in each test.
Passing the examination, which is both written and oral, is a condition for successful completion of the course.
Complete overview about the importance of heat techniques in decisive technological processes of building materials production, especially of production economy and ecological aspects. Basic outlook in national and worldwide balance of energetic resources, mastery of heat balances and of tasks connected wit heat savings solution especially in energetically most demanding processes of drying and burning, environmental responsibility improvement of building materials manufacturers to produce sustain ecologically acceptable products.
The student will gain knowledge about the importance of thermal technology in the crucial technological processes of production of building materials, both in terms of process quality and production, and especially the economics of production and ecological aspects. The student will gain a basic orientation in the national and global balance of energy resources. Strengthen the awareness of the ecological responsibility of manufacturers of construction materials as sustainable environmentally sound products.
The graduate of the course is able to:Utilize the first and second laws of thermodynamics in calculations of heat and work for all characteristic processes of an ideal gas.Explain and apply the i-x diagram of water vapor.Explain and apply the i-x diagram of moist air.Determine the heat and material balance of a theoretical and actual dryer.Describe the different types of drying and dryers, characterize their advantages and disadvantages in terms of thermal energy consumption.Determine the heat and material balance of a tunnel kiln.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
specialization M , 4 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1.Thermodynamic laws, state and technological quantities, volume work and technical work, cyclic processes.2.Heat diagrams, entropy, irreversibility of processes in practice. 3. Flow of liquids, terminology, energetic balance, flow loss in real systems of building materials.4. Thermodynamics of vapours, real gases and vapours, heat diagrams.5. Diagrams application, the state of vapours and their changes, mixing of vapours and of vapour with water.6. Thermodynamics of humid air, state variables, state equations.7. Molliere i-x diagram and its applications, state transformations, mixing of air flows.8. Heat transmission and mass transfer, principles of the drying process, statics of drying, balances, type of dryers.9. Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, components of fuels, possibilities of alternative fuels, predictions concerning the securing of primary energy sources.10. Fundamentals of combustion, combustion statics, quantity of air and of combustion gases.11. Principles of kilns heat balance, survey of kiln units for the production of building materials, burners.
The seminar focuses on theory and calculations. Students are required to have a calculator, ruler and pencil.