Course detail
Methods and legal aspects of scientific work and research
FAST-DVA069Acad. year: 2024/2025
The subject includes the issues of scientific training, the position of scientist and scientific knowledge, employee scientific works, business inventions, school works, works on the hire, legal aspects of research and development, public financial support for research and development, rights and obligations in research and development.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Institute of Structural Economics and Management (EKR)
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.
Not applicable.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
PAVLICA, K.: Sociální výzkum, podnik a management: průvodce manažera v oblasti výzkumu organizací. Praha: Ekopress 2000. (CS)
HENDL, J.: Kvalitativní výzkum. Základní metody a aplikace. 2. vyd. Praha: Portál 2005. (CS)
MOLNÁR, Z. - MILDEOVÁ, S. - ŘEZANKOVÁ, H. - BRIXÍ, R. - KALINA, J.: Pokročilé metody vědecké práce. Zeleneč: Profess Consulting 2012. (CS)
TELEC, I.: Právo a etika výzkumu, presentace k přednáškám. (CS)
HENDL, J.: Kvalitativní výzkum. Základní metody a aplikace. 2. vyd. Praha: Portál 2005. (CS)
MOLNÁR, Z. - MILDEOVÁ, S. - ŘEZANKOVÁ, H. - BRIXÍ, R. - KALINA, J.: Pokročilé metody vědecké práce. Zeleneč: Profess Consulting 2012. (CS)
TELEC, I.: Právo a etika výzkumu, presentace k přednáškám. (CS)
Recommended reading
HINDLS, R. - HRONOVÁ, S.: Analýza dat v manažerském rozhodování. Praha: Grada Publ. 1999. (CS)
SAUNDERS, M. - LEWIS, P. - THORNHILL, A.: Research Methods for Business Students. 5th ed. London: Pearson 2010. (EN)
SAUNDERS, M. - LEWIS, P. - THORNHILL, A.: Research Methods for Business Students. 5th ed. London: Pearson 2010. (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
26 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. The importance of scientific training, types of knowledge, scientific idea, scientist, scientific knowledge, scientific law; scientific infrastructure.
2. Signs of scientific and scientific concepts, general scientific methods, general philosophical methods.
3. Signs of scientific and scientific concepts, general scientific methods, general philosophical methods.
4. Components of scientific work – title, abstract, keywords, introduction, aim of work, literary research.
5. Components of scientific work – methodology, own work, results, conclusion, used literary sources.
6. Data acquisition methods, primary data, secondary data.
7. Methods of data processing, hypothesis validation, conclusions.
8. Scientific Freedom, Science Competition and Torts.
9. Public moral science and its principles, scientific integrity (legal aspects of ethics of research and development).
10. Public R & D and public financial support for research and development.
11. Commitments in research and development.
12. Rights to research and development results.
13. Summary of substance, topic discussion, final evaluation.
E-learning texts