Course detail

Landscape water management II

FAST-BS05Acad. year: 2024/2025

Theory of erosion processes, erosion factors, runoff modelling, consequences of concentrated runoff, water sources protection, water courses protection
History and development of drainage structures, need and asset of drainage structures. watershed protection in water management and agriculture, drainage theory, surface and ground water runoff, hydrotechnical calculations, modelling of the drainage process, design, operation and use of drainage structures

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Landscape Water Management (VHK)

Entry knowledge

Hydraulics, hydrology

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


Erosion, surface and underground runoff, river basin organization, ponds
Student gains knowledge about erosion, surface and subsurface runoff, organization of drainage area

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Janeček, M., a kol. (2012). Ochrana zemědělské půdy před erozí. Metodika PEO. Praha: Powerprint. ISBN 978-80-87415-42-9. (CS)
Kadlec, V., Dostál, T., Vrána, K., a kol. (2014). Navrhování technických protierozních opatření: metodika. Praha: Výzkumný ústav meliorací a ochrany půdy. ISBN 978-80-87361-29-0. (CS)
 Toy, T.J., Foster, G.R. a Renard, K.G. Soil erosion: processes, prediction, measurement and control. New York: Wiley, 2002, 352 p. ISBN 0-471-38369-4. (CS)
Holý M, a kol - Eroze a životní prostředí, ČVUT Praha 1998 (CS)
Morgan, R.P.C. Soil Erosion and Conservation. Third Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 2005, 304 p. ISBN 1-4051-1781-8. (CS)

Recommended literature

Not applicable.

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Erosion in the world - classification of erosion, factor influencing erosion, intensity and acceptable limit 2. Modelling of erosion processes - classification of models, Universal soil loss equation, theoretic analysis of water erosion, great river basins 3.Assessment of erosion hazard level - complex research and analysis of a watershed 4. Design of erosion control measures - classification and description. Basic dimensioning rules of erosion control items. 5. Torrens control - flow erosion, analysis of reasons and consequences, erosion control measures, principles of dimensioning and assessment of measures layout 6. Determination of surface runoff parameters - simplifying preconditions, methods of culmination runoff and flood volume calculation in small watersheds 7. Wind erosion - analysis of the process, forms of erosion, determination of intensity, layout of erosion control measures 8. Drainage - reasons, occurrence and assessment of waterlogging, distribution and movement of water in soil 9. Modelling of water movement in soil - classification of models, features, saturated and unsaturated porous environment, groundwater runoff 10. Main drainage facilities - classification, design principles, dimensioning of facilities 11. Detailed drainage facility - classification, design principles, determination of drainage parameters, dimensioning of pipe drainage 12. Special drainage - sloping areas, sportgrounds, design principles, schema 13. Influence of drainage on the landscape.


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. - 6. Calculation of erosion and the proposal of new river basin organization 7. - 12. Calculation of surface and underground runoff, proposal of drainage structures