Course detail

Managerial Techniques

FAST-CV076Acad. year: 2024/2025

Group and team work in sequential teams are typical for industry branch as Building Engineering.
This Course deals with extensional leading and managing operations of workgroups in building engineering and follows progress and dynamics of the teamwork. Main aim of this course is to gain company manager knowledge and experience managing techniques, leading of working teams, communication and individual development. Ability to manage leading position in construction company.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Structural Economics and Management (EKR)

Entry knowledge

Knowledge of basic principles and relations in management and basic managerial habits.
Orientation in organization of construction firm. The ability to understand, speak and writte by given language.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


Improving ability to manage the manager work in building engineering company from the point of view of leading and human resources management.
Knowledge of the application of basic principles of the manager work in building engineering company from the point of view of leading and human resources management.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

LINKESCHOVÁ, Dana. K otázkám managementu ve stavebnictví. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2005. ISBN 80-7204-396-x.  (CS)
PLAMÍNEK, Jiří. Vedení lidí, týmů a firem: praktický atlas managementu. 3., aktualiz. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2008. Manažer. ISBN 978-80-247-2448-5.  (CS)
LINKESCHOVÁ, Dana. Educating Leading Managing. Brno: CERM, 2005. ISBN 80-7202-052-1.   (EN)

Recommended literature

LINKESCHOVÁ, Dana a Dagmar HRABINCOVÁ. Management a právo ve stavebnictví. Brno: CERM, 2005.   (CS)
ROBBINS, S.P., COULTER, M. Management. Grada publishing, a. s., 2004. (EN)
SINEK, Simon. Nekonečná hra: jak dosáhnout dlouhodobého úspěchu v podnikání. Přeložil Aleš DROBEK. V Brně: Jan Melvil Publishing, 2021. Žádná velká věda. ISBN 978-80-7555-136-8.  (CS)
WHEATLEY, Margaret. Vědomý lídr: jak být v dnešním světě vůdčí osobností, která přispívá k obnově zdravého rozumu. Přeložil Kamil C. PINTA. Praha: Maitrea, 2020. ISBN 978-80-7500-492-5.  (CS)

Type of course unit



13 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Basic leading techniques and skills, meaning of theory of management and leading of people, prognostication, basic notions and literature.

2. Management according to aims. Motivating and methods of positive stimulation, pyramid of needs, consideration and appreciation, interestingness of work, responsibility and dependence, theory X and Y, the two factors theory – motivational hygienic.

3. Planning (methods, how to reach to aim, finding of alternatives, rate of participation, building-up creativity, generating instruments of ideas). Defining of tasks, identification of aims and objectives, distribution of general objectives to particular ones.

4. Training and its functions, fundamentals of efficient speech. Communication and coaching of organization and individuals. Control and management, meeting managing, managing in organizations, methods of control, management systems.

5. Decision, evaluation of results, considering consequences, deciding and evaluating of team efficiency, evaluating and training of individuals, questioning, people selecting and reporting, self-valuation.

6. Organisation, organizing of groups and sub groups, factors of work groups size, organisation structure, dependence and delegation. Self-example leading and team management, self-organisation, deciding in managerial work.

7. Characteristics of working groups. Individuals, work teams, organisations and communities. Group participation, communication and solidarity, atmosphere, standards, structure and organisation.

8. Basic parts and functions in groups. Characteristics of roles, their types, conflicts of roles and role of leading worker. Mutual needs in group lifetime, their basic demonstrations. Needs and function of leading (instigation, regulation, information, assistance, evaluation, etc.).

9. Processes in group life time (formation, agitation, standardization = solidarity building). Team rules and procedures (deciding, reactions to authority, conflict and getaway, defensive mechanisms). Teams in teams, relation management between teams.

10. Teams and team work, sequential teams in building industry, establishment and up keeping of high duty teams.

11. Leading types and styles, coaching and leader's liabilities.

12. How to support synergy, creativity a inovation in working teams.

13. Current questions of leading and management.


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. The Introduction to the exercises, the criterions for the presentations and the system of the group work for future construction engineers.

2.-13. The content of singles exercises is the work of everybody on his/her own project, sequential realization and presentation and the feedback from the participants and the teacher.

14. The handover of the closing reports and the credits.