Course detail

Railway Structures I

FAST-SN01Acad. year: 2024/2025

Railway track geometry components and alignment, rail track gauge, cant and twist, horizontal and vertical track alignment, track alignment design parameters for operation of tilting body trains
Geodetic surveying of track layout, track layout optimization problems, geodetic layout and fixing of rail track alignment.
Clearances. The centre line distances in open track and in railway stations. Routing of railway lines, railway track design.
Subdivision and construction of rail substructure and its construction layers – basic terms. Ballast bed and formation – bearing capacity, stress distribution, types and design of railway substructure, construction layers.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions (ZEL)

Entry knowledge

Geodesy in Civil Engineering, coordinate systems, geodetic computations, measurement of directions and angles, distance measurements, height systems, height measurements, setting out of buildings, roads and railways, maps
Soil mechanics, classification of soils for engineering purposes, shear strength of soils, stresses in soils.
Strength and elasticity of materials, basic principles of structural mechanics.
Basic terms, division of railway structures. Track alignment design parameters and its spatial positions – basic terms.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


The objective of the subject is to introduce students to the problems of railway track geometry components and alignment, railway track design and subdivision and construction of rail substructure and its construction layers and to practise acquires knowledge and skills.
A student acquires skills in synthesis of civil engineering including railway structures and constructions.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Coenraad Esveld: Modern Railway Track. MRT-Productions 2001
Jirsák, Z.: Príručka na projektovanie železničných tratí a staníc. Alfa, Bratislava 1979
Klimeš, F.: Železniční stavitelství I. SNTL Praha 1978
kol.: British Railway track. The Permanent Way Institution 1993
Plášek, O.: Železniční stavby. Návody do cvičení. CERM 2002
Plášek, Zvěřina, Svoboda, Mockovčiak: Železniční stavby. Železniční spodek a svršek. CERM 2004
Tyc, Kubát, Dostál, Havíř: Železniční stavby. Dh Press Bratislava 1993

Recommended literature

Not applicable.

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Railway track geometry components and track alignment design parameters. Rail track gauge and gauge widening. 2. Cant, distance-related cant gradient, time-related cant gradient, cant deficiency. 3. Horizontal track alignment. Transition curves. 4. Nonlinear transition curves. 5. Compound curves. Transition curves connecting two circular curves. Reverse curves. 6. Vertical track alignment, gradients, vertical curves. 7. Track alignment design parameters for operation of tilting body trains. 8. Geodetic surveying of track layout, track layout optimization problems. 9. Geodetic layouts and fixing of rail track alignment. 10. Clearances. The centre line distances in open track and in railway stations. 11. Routing of railway lines, railway track design. 12. Subdivision and construction of rail substructure and its construction layers – basic terms. 13. Ballast bed and formation – bearing capacity, stress distribution, types and design of railway substructure, construction layers.


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer