Course detail

Waste Management

FAST-BP05Acad. year: 2024/2025

The subject covers the filed of environmental engineering and environmental protection, especially protection against leakage of hazardous substances from both municipal and industrial wastes.
Attention is focused on the concept of Waste Management in the Czech Republic. As for technical methods of waste disposal, the subject is oriented on landfilling (i.e. landfill construction and operation) according the current Czech legislation.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Municipal Water Management (VHO)

Entry knowledge

Water chemistry
Soil mechanics

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


The primary purpose of this course is to review the current of art in solid waste management, with emphasis on municipal garbage impacts on the ground waters, means of impact mitigation and implementation of the national standards and management programs. The subject brings groudings about Planning, Design and Operation of Waste management.
Student will manage aim of course: Planning, Design and Operation of Waste management.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

MŽP ČR: Kompletní a aktuální legislativa odpadového hospodářství., 2010. (CS)

Recommended literature

Hershkowitz, A., Salerni, E.: Garbage Management in Japan:Leading the Way. INFORM, Inc., 1987. (EN)
Suchánek a kol.: Zacházení s tuhým komunálním odpadem. VÚMH Praha, 1990. (CS)
Výzkumný ústav místního hospodářství: Zacházení s tuhým komunálním odpadem. Praha, 1990. (CS)
Beier, E.: Umwelt wörterbuch. Hühn+Partner, 1993. (DE)
Bilitewski, B., Härdtle, G., Marek, K.: Waste Management. Hardcover, 1997. (EN)
MŽP ČR: Vyhláška o podrobnostech nakládání s odpady. Zák. č. 338/97 Sb. MŽP ČR, 1997. (CS)
Římanová: Zákon o odpadech včetně prováděcích předpisů. POLYGON, 1998. (CS)
Kuraš: Odpadové hospodářství. Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, 2008. (CS)

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction, conceptual framework of waste management in the Czech Republic: state-of-the-art and development trends. 2. Legislation and terminology for waste management, physico-chemical characteristic of wastes, waste register, waste management plans. 3. Municipal and dangerous waste disposal. 4. Landfilling – legislation, types of landfills, technical maintenance. 5. Landfilling – choosing of suitable site, geological and hydrological data. 6. Landfills – technical solution. 7. Landfill water management, percolation water treatment. 8. Recultivation of landfills. 9. Thermic methods of waste disposal - burning. 10. Garbage-disposal plants, construction works, technological equipment. 11. Water management of garbage-disposal plants. 12. Field trip to Brno garbage-disposal plant. 13. Municipal waste composting. 14. Waste recycling and reusing, solidification.


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Determination of the amount of municipal waste 2. Calculation of stability municipal waste landfill Peterson method 3. Optimizing nakládádní management in the area of ​​interest 4. The situation landfill 1:1000 5. Cross sections landfill 1:1000 / 100 6. The situation landfill reclamation 1:1000 7. Longitudinal profile of the leachate drainage 1:1000 / 100 8. Sample cut heel landfills 1:50 9. Pocket rainwater 1:200 10.Technical report 11.Credit