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Course detail
FP-msmPAcad. year: 2024/2025
The subject deepens and complements the theory that students learn from mathematical subjects and puts it in touch with the knowledge of economic subjects. It covers a wide range of optimization problems, statistical methods and mathematical and economical modeling.The subject is an adjunct to the subjects Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, and Partition Statistics most commonly needed in applications. It is intended especially for students continuing their Master's degree studies and for students planning to process different types of data in their final papers.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Passing written tests with more than 50% points. Participation in exercises is controlled. Excused absence of a student from an exercise can be replaced by substitute tasks.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Matrices and their applications: Operations with matrices, determinant of matrices
2. Matrices - sample problems: input-output models, problems on production, stocks, consumer decision-making, producer decision-making
3. Systems of linear equations and their application in practice: Direct methods (Gauss elimination method), Iterative methods (Jacobi method); Sample problems: problems leading to the determination of the equilibrium state;
4. Differential calculus of a function of one variable in applications: Application of differential calculus of a function of one variable (derivative, differential) in economics (limit quantities, elasticity of a function); Sample problems:: analysis of the income, cost and profit function;
5. Extrema of functions of several variables - bound extrema; Local extrema of functions of two variables, bound extrema of functions of two variables - substitution method, Jacobian method. conditions and restrictions;
6. Use of mathematical and statistical methods in optimization problems: Optimization models - classification of optimization models, nonlinear programming problem; Sample problems: portfolio optimization - risk and return estimation,
7. Control test
8. Markowitz model, formulation of a general nonlinear programming problem; Sample problems: portfolio optimization
9. Use of differential calculus of functions of several variables in optimization problems - sample problems: finding the extremum of economic functions for given
10. Multivariate data analysis: Introduction to selected sources of economic data; method of describing multivariate data, use of matrix algebra in multivariate data analysis, standardization, basic characteristics of multivariate data, Sample problems: economic data analysis;
11. Multivariate data analysis: principal component method, cluster analysis; Sample problems: economic data analysis;
12.Analysis of economic time series: Graphical analysis, time series adjustments, basic models of the seasonal component and methods of seasonal adjustment.Sample tasks: analysis of time series available in the Czech Statistical Office database. Estimation of future value and future development.
13.control test