Course detail
Wage and Personnel Administration
FP-UmpaPAcad. year: 2024/2025
The content of the subject Wage and personnel agenda is an interdisciplinary cross-section of information and knowledge in the field of remuneration of company employees. In the introduction, it deals with an overview of the obligations of employees and employers in the area of the creation of labor legal relations. It continues with the determination of the wage or salary, a summary of the issues of health and social insurance and taxation of income from dependent activity. An important part of the course is the accounting and reporting of all components of wages and compensation provided to employees and employee benefits.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Knowledge of the basics of labor law, double-entry accounting and personal income tax issues.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Knowledge verification system, course completion requirements:
- active cooperation in the group during the preparation and presentation of 1 assigned topic during the semester and achieving the minimum required attendance (max. 3 absences),
- preparation and presentation of a written seminar paper (group of students) at the end of the semester,
- individual electronic control test in the examination period.
Part of the final evaluation of the exam is: the sum of the evaluation of the seminar paper (40%) and the point evaluation for the result of the final control test (60%).
The same conditions apply to students with an individual study plan (ISP), with the exception of supervised teaching and required attendance. Presentations can take place via MS Teams.
Attendance at lectures is recommended,
participation in seminars is controlled, attendance is recorded.
3 absences during the semester are allowed.
Main objectives of the course Agenda of Wagies and Human Resource can be summarised as follows: to aquire information and knowledge about the main elements and design of the payroll system of a company. At the end of this course, students should be familiar with statutory duties of employers and emploees in the fields of health insurance, social insurance especially allowances, and personal income taxes, be able to classify particular components of wages, methods of their calculation and choose suitable employee benefits. After the completion of this course students are going to have not only new information, but even further skill acquisition.
Study aids
Materials for studying are located in e-learning (Moodle).
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KOUBEK, Josef. Řízení lidských zdrojů : základy moderní personalistiky. 5. rozšířené a doplněn. Praha: Management Press, 2015. 399 stran. ISBN 978-80-7261-288-8
OECD Employment Outlook 2024, dostupné zhttp:
Recommended reading
Mzdové účetnictví - profi databáze odborných článků z oblasti mzdového účetnictví. Dostupná z
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BAK-UAD Bachelor's 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Basic labor law concepts, personal data and their protection, remuneration – determination of wages or salaries, components of wages.
2. Health insurance – obligations of the employer and employees, premium calculation.
3. Insurance premiums for social security - obligations of the employer and employees, calculations of insurance premiums and pension insurance.
4. Reimbursements for periods of illness and sickness insurance
5. Obstacles in work and their payment, calculation and use of average earnings
6. Travel allowances for employees
7. Taxation of income from dependent activity and functional benefits - taxable salary, tax discounts, annual settlement of advances
8. Payroll and personnel software mainly for small and medium-sized companies
9. Accounting and tax aspects of employee benefits
10. Termination of employment - methods of termination, overview of employer's obligations
11. The Labor Office and employers, other control bodies in the field of employment and their activities
12. Specifics of agency employment
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Basic labor law concepts, personal data and their protection, remuneration – determination of wages or salaries, components of wages
2. Health insurance – obligations of the employer and employees, premium calculations
3. Insurance premiums for social security - obligations of the employer and employees, calculations of insurance premiums and pension insurance
4. Reimbursements for periods of illness and sickness insurance 5. Obstacles in work and their payment, calculation and use of average earnings
6. Travel allowances for employees
7. Taxation of income from dependent activity and functional benefits - taxable salary, tax discounts, annual settlement of advances
8. Payroll and personnel software mainly for small and medium-sized companies
9. Accounting and tax aspects of employee benefits
10. Termination of employment - methods of termination, overview of employer's obligations
11. The Labor Office and employers, other control bodies in the field of employment and their activities
12. Presentation of seminar papers
13. Presentation of seminar papers