Course detail
Quality Management
FP-BrkvPAcad. year: 2024/2025
The course focuses on the problems related to the quality management in industrial enterprises.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Credit: elaboration of semester work.
Exam: The exam can have either: a) a written form. The student receives two questions for which he has a limited time to answer. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. b) form of test through e-learning. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. Students will be informed about the form of the exam at the beginning of the semester.
Completion of the course for students with individual study:
Credit: elaboration of a semester work, which will be sent to the lecturer.
Exam: The exam can have either: a) a written form. The student receives two questions for which he has a limited time to answer. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. b) form of test through e-learning. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. Students will be informed about the form of the exam at the beginning of the semester
Completion of the course in distance form:
Credit: elaboration of semester work.
Exam: test through e-learning. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale.
Control of results of independent work on specified tasks. Excused absence from seminars can be compensated for via additional condition set by the teacher, usually via elaboration of partial written task.
Students will have a clear idea of modern approaches to the quality management in a company, including the most frequently used quality management systems, namely according to the standards ISO 9000, TQM and EFQM.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Veber, J. a kol. Řízení jakosti a ochrana spotřebitele. Praha: Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1782-1.
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BAK-PM Bachelor's 3 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Introduction, basic concepts
Process control
Quality loop
Production process capability
Fundamentals of metrology
Technical requirements for a product
Product certification
7 simple quality tools
7 management tools
Trends in quality development
Teacher / Lecturer
Introduction, assignment of seminar work and presentations to teams
Process regulation
Production process capability
Seven simple quality tools
The role of the human factor in a quality system