Course detail
Mathematics II-B
FSI-BM-KAcad. year: 2024/2025
The course takes the form of lectures and seminars dealing with the following topics:
Real functions of two and more variables, Partial derivatives - total differentials, Applications of partial derivatives - maxima, minima and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor's approximation and error estimates, Double integrals, Triple integrals, Applications of multiple integrals, Methods of solving ordinary differential equations
A significant part of the course is devoted to applications of the studied topics. The acquired knowledge is a prerequisite for understanding the theoretical foundations in the study of other specialized subjects.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
There are two written tests. Condition for the course-unit credit: to obtain at least 50% points from each written test. Students, who do not fulfill conditions for the course-unit credit, can repeat the written test during the first two weeks of examination time.
The exam has an obligatory written and oral part. The student can obtain 85 points from the written part and 15 points from the oral part (the examiner can take into account the results of the seminar).
- The written part ranges from 90 to 120 minutes according to the difficulty of the test.
- The written part will contain at least one question (example) from each of the following topics:
1. Differential calculus of functions of several variables.
2. Multiple integrals
3. Ordinary differential equations
- The written part may also include theoretical questions from the above-mentioned themes.
- The oral part usually consists of theoretical questions and a discussion related to the written exam. For each example, the student must be able to justify his calculation procedure - otherwise, the test will not be recognized and will be evaluated for zero points. A supplementary simple example can be given, which the student calculates immediately.
0-49 points: F
50-59 points: E
60-69 points: D
70-79 points: C
80-89 points: B
90-100 points: A
Attendance at lectures is recommended, attendance at seminars is required. The lessons are planned on the basis of a weekly schedule. Missed seminars may be made up of the agreement with the teacher supervising the seminar.
Students will acquire basic knowledge of mathematical disciplines listed in the course annotation and will be made familiar with their logical structure. They will learn how to solve mathematical problems encountered when dealing with engineering tasks using the knowledge and skills acquired. Moreover, they improve their skills in mathematical software, which can be used to solving problems.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Sneall, D. B., Hosack, J. M.: Calculus, An Integrated Approach, , 0
Recommended reading
Rektorys, K. a spol.: Přehled užité matematiky I,II, , 0
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Function in more variables, basic definitions, and properties. Limit of a function in more variables, continuous functions. Partial derivative.
2. A gradient of a function, derivative in a direction. First-order and higher-order differentials, tangent plane to the graph of a function in two variables.
3. Taylor polynomial and Taylor's theorem. Local extremes.
4. Method of Lagrange multipliers, absolute extremes.
5. Function defined implicitly. Definite integral more variables, definition, basic properties.
6. Fubini's theorem, calculation on elementary (normal) areas.
7. Transformation of the integrals (polar and cylindrical coordinates)
8. Transformation of the integrals (spherical coordinates). Applications of double and triple integrals.
9. Ordinary differential equations (ODE), basic terms, existence, and uniqueness of solutions, analytical methods of solving of 1st order ODE.
10. Higher-order ODEs, properties of solutions, and methods of solving higher-order linear ODEs. Systems of 1st order ODEs.
11. Properties of solutions and methods of solving linear systems of 1st-order ODEs.
12. Applications of ODEs.
13. Boundary value problem for 2nd order ODEs.
Guided consultation
Teacher / Lecturer