Course detail

Territorial Planning

ÚSI-ERARUAcad. year: 2024/2025

The process of territorial development is manifested by changes in the use and layout of the territory. These changes have their own internal logic, they are triggered by the demand of the inhabitants, the users of the territory, who want to achieve satisfaction of their needs, to realize their demands for housing, work, recreation... But the needs of the users are different and can often be, especially from the point of view of long-term sustainable development, in conflict with public interests. That is why we have spatial planning, the aim of which is "to create the conditions for building and for the sustainable development of the territory, consisting in a balanced relationship between the conditions for a favourable environment, for economic development and for the cohesion of the community of inhabitants."
The course will introduce you to the issues of urban development, help you understand the laws of economic and urban processes and the possibilities offered by the tools of spatial planning in managing and coordinating their development.
The acquired knowledge will help you as a citizen to promote your legitimate interests, but it is also indispensable in city management, investor and developer organizations and real estate agencies.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

Basic knowledge of public administration, ecology and economics. 


Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

A condition for obtaining credit is participation in seminars and successful preparation and presentation of the seminar paper.
The examination will be written and oral. 

Supervised teaching (compulsory, cannot be replaced) - introductory lecture, seminars. 



The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic laws and processes that take place in an urbanized area, as well as with the possibilities of influencing these processes with the tools of spatial planning. 


Acquiring basic knowledge in the field of sustainable development of the territory.
Understanding the main patterns of urban development and understanding the tools that can be used to influence it.
Basic orientation in the problems of spatial planning in the environment of contemporary Czech legislation.  

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Ústav územního rozvoje. Územní plánování. On line (CS)
Vyhláška č. 157/2024 Sb., o územně plánovacích podkladech, územně plánovací dokumentaci a jednotném standardu (CS)
Zákon č. 283/2021 Sb., stavební zákon, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (CS)

Recommended reading

Gehl, J. Města pro lidi. 1. české vydání, Partnerství, Brno, 2012. (CS)
HALL, Peter a TEWDWR-JONES, Mark. Urban and regional planning. Sixth edition. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020. ISBN 978-0-8153-6530-3. (CS)
Inventura urbanismu. Ústav urbanismu ČVUT Praha. On line (CS)
JACOBS, Jane. Ekonomie měst. 1. české vyd. Mox Nox, Dolní Kounice, 2012. (CS)
LEVY, John M.; HIRT, Sonia a DAWKINS, Casey J. Contemporary urban planning. Twelfth edition. New York: Routledge, [2025]. ISBN 978-1-032-27053- (EN)
Maier, K.; Čtyroký, J.: Ekonomika územního rozvoje, Grada, Praha, 2000. (CS)
Maier, Karel. Udržitelný rozvoj území. 1. vyd. Grada, Praha, 2012. (CS)
MMR ČR. Publikace a odborné texty. On line (CS)
Národní geoportál územního plánovaní. Online (CS)
NOWAK, Maciej Jacek; MITREA, Andrei; LUKSTIŅA, Gunta; PETRIȘOR, Alexandru-Ionuț; KOVÁCS, Krisztina Filepné et al. Spatial planning systems in Central and Eastern European countries: review and comparison of selected issues. SpringerBriefs in Geography. Cham: Springer, [2023]. ISBN 978-3-031-42721-3. (EN)
ReSITE. On line (EN)
STEIN, Leslie A. Comparative urban land use planning: best practice. Sydney: Sydney University Press, [2017]. ISBN 978-1-74332-467-7. (EN)
Urbanismus a územní rozvoj. Odborný recenzovaný časopis. ÚUR, Brno. (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme REI_P Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to the subject, basic concepts, literature. Assignments for seminar papers.
2. Territory, territorial development.
3. Economics of territorial development.
4. City layout and organisation.
5. Urbanisation and its context.
6. Sustainable development of the territory.
7. Public administration.
8. Spatial planning in the Czech Republic I.
9. Spatial planning in the Czech Republic II.
10. Spatial planning in Europe and in the world.
11. Seminar 1 - presentation of individual student work, critical discussion.
12. Seminar 2 - presentation of individual student work, critical discussion.
13. Seminar 3 - presentation of individual student work, critical discussion.


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer