Course detail

FAST-CZV-EFIAcad. year: 2024/2025

Not applicable.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Structural Economics and Management (EKR)

Entry knowledge

Not applicable.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

RŮČKOVÁ, Petra. Finanční analýza. metody, ukazatele, využití v praxi. Grada, 2021. ISBN 978-80-271-3124-2.


NÝVLTOVÁ, Romana. Základy finančního řízení podniku. Grada, 2018, ISBN 978-80-271-0194-8.

DOLEŽAL, J. a kol. Projektový management podle IPMA. Grada, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-4275-5. (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme CZV3-MSCCE Lifelong learning - long-term course, 1. year of study, winter semester, compulsory
  • Programme CZV3-MSCEE Lifelong learning - long-term course, 1. year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit