Course detail

Školení a zkouška z odborné způsobilosti k výkonu činností v elektrotechnice.

FEKT-CZV-ELBAcad. year: 2023/2024

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies BUT organizes a pilot course for interested parties, which will be free of charge. 

The applicant chooses the exam level:

  • § 6 - knowledgeable person for independent work - electrical engineer (without explosion hazard, up to 1 kV alternating voltage or 1.5 kV direct voltage),
  • § 7 - person with knowledge of activity management - chief electrical engineer (no explosion hazard, up to 1 kV AC voltage or 1.5 kV DC voltage),
  • a variant without voltage limitation can be arranged individually,
  • an explosion hazard option can be arranged individually.

The main idea of the course is to introduce the students to the following problems:
- legal regulations related to labour safety and health protection in the Czech Republic;
- principles of risk prevention;
- safety rules for handling and operating an electrical apparatus;
- safety rules for the maintenance of an electrical apparatus;
- realizing protection against electric shock;
- protection of electrical devices against lightning and overvoltage;
- fire protection of electrical devices;
- first aid upon electric shock.


Language of instruction


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

One of the following qualifications:
1. Completed secondary education, secondary education with teaching certificate, secondary education with matriculation exam or higher professional education from the field group 26 Electrical engineering, telecommunications and computer technology,
2. Completed university bachelor's, master's or doctoral education in the field of Electrical Engineering,
3. completed secondary education, secondary education with a teaching certificate or secondary education with a school-leaving exam in another field, which in terms of content meets the requirements for electrical engineering education,
4. Completed university bachelor's, master's or doctoral education from another field of education, which in terms of content meets the requirements for electrical engineering education,
5. full professional qualification obtained in accordance with another legal regulation2) and published in the National System of Qualifications under the qualification field "Electrical engineering, telecommunications and computer technology",
6. professional qualifications are qualifications obtained in accordance with § 5 of Act No. 179/2006 Coll., as amended..

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

The exam will consist of a written test and an oral exam. The minimum required test pass rate is 80%. 


To acquaint training participants with the principles of safe design and safe operation of electrical devices and electrical installation. Prepare participants for the exam according to Act No. 250/2022 Coll. and subsequent Government Regulation No. 194/2022 Coll. on the requirements for professional competence to perform work on electrical equipment and for professional competence in electrical engineering, so that after successful completion of the exam, they obtain the qualification of a person knowledgeable for independent work, or a person knowledgeable in managing activities.


Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

KADLEC, R.; STEINBAUER, M. Bezpečná elektrotechnika (XELE, MELB). 2024. (CS)
Nařízení vlády č. 194/2022 Sb. o požadavcích na odbornou způsobilost k výkonu činnosti na elektrických zařízeních a na odbornou způsobilost v elektrotechnice. (CS)
Zákon č. 250/2021 Sb. o bezpečnosti práce v souvislosti s provozem vyhrazených technických zařízení a o změně souvisejících zákonů. (CS)

Recommended reading

ČSN EN 50110-1 ed. 3 Činnost na elektrických zařízeních - Část 1: Obecné požadavky. (CS)
ČSN EN 61140-ed. 3 Ochrana před úrazem elektrickým proudem. Společná hlediska pro instalaci a zařízení. (CS)
ČSN 33 2000 Elektrické instalace budov, část 1 až 7. (CS)
Elektro v praxi 1. díl: Právní předpisy, základní normy, silnoproud. Olomouc: Solid, 2014. (CS)
ZS ČR. ZÁKLADNÍ ZNALOSTI ZÁSAD PRVNÍ POMOCI [online]. [cit. 2015-02-01]. Dostupné z: (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme C4-ELB Lifelong learning - short-term course 1 year of study, summer semester, elective