Course detail
Architecture of 19th Century
FA-A19-TAcad. year: 2025/2026
The lecture is accompanied with practical samples (digitalised copies of project documentation, photographs of structures, reproduction of architect's drawings etc.) to provide a comprehensive overview of European architecture during 1780-1914. The lectures focus on typological scale of structures, and their individual design, on building materials and structures, and on the artistic usage of their potential. The differences between particular European countries are observed; in the Czech Lands, the differences between town centres and rural municipalities are identified.
In the study programme “Architecture and urban design” the course is part of the theoretical courses.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Students must attend 80 % of the instruction.
In the case of a student's apology and with approval of the subject guarantor, personal attendance may be substituted with online attendance in the classes.
– Students will learn about the types of structures in European architecture of the 19th century.
– Students will familiarize themselves with the materials used on the structures of the 19th century.
– Students will familiarize themselves with the structural systems used in the 19th century structures.
– Students will be able to evaluate the meaning of a particular type of structure in a specific historical and social situation.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
MIGNOT, Claude. Die Architektur des XIX. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart: DVA, 1983. ISBN 10-38228-91-27 (DE)
ZEITLER, Rudolf. Die Kunst der XIX. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Propyläen Verlag, 1990. ISBN 978-35490-511-15 (DE)
Recommended reading
MORAVÁNSZKY, Ákos. Die Architektur der Donaumonarchie. Budapest: Corvina Kiadó, 1988. ISBN 3-433-02037-X (DE)
MUTHESIUS, Hermann. Stilaarchitektur und Baukunst. Wandlungen der Arhcitektur im XIX. Jahrhundert. Mühlheim-Ruhr: K. Schimmelpfeng Verlag, 1902. (DE)
NERDINGEN Winfried, PHILIPP Klaus Jan, SCHWARZ Hans-Peter. Revolutionsarchitektur. Ein Aspekt der europäischen Architektur um 1800. München: Hirmer Verlag, 1990. ISBN 3-7774-5200-9 (DE)
PRAHL, Roman a kolektiv. Umění náhrobku v českých zemích 1780-1830. Praha: Academia, 2004. ISBN 80-200-1188-9 (CS)
SCHÄDLICH, Christian. Das Eisen: in der Architektur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Aachen: Geymüller Verlag für Architektur , 2015. ISBN 978-39431-640-53 (DE)
ŠOPÁK, Pavel. Století proměny. Devatenácté století ve stavební kultuře českého Slezska a Ostravska. Opava: Slezské zemské muzeum, 2018. ISBN 978-80-87789-54-4 (CS)
WAISSENBERGER, Robert. Wiener Nutzbauten des 19. Jahrhunderts als Beispiele zukunftweisenden Bauens. Wien - München, 1977. ISBN 3-7141-6789-7 (DE)
ZATLOUKAL, Pavel. Brněnská architektura 1815-1915. Průvodce. Brno: Obecní dům, 2006. 248 s. ISBN 80-23977-45-8 (CS)
ZATLOUKAL, Pavel. Příběhy z dlouhého století. Architektur let 1750-1918 na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Olomouc: Muzeum umění, 2002. ISBN 80-85227-49 (DE)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N_A+U Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization --- (do 2022) , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional