Course detail
Elaboration of Master´s Thesis M3 – Urban and Lanscape Design
FA-DP3-AAcad. year: 2025/2026
In this course, students work on their architectural and urban design of their Master's thesis. The emphasis is placed on
adequate theoretical explanation of the proposal as well – the diploma thesis must contain a written, theoretical and/or critical part, including the studied sources in scope determined by the assignment of the diploma thesis.
The topics of the module Urban and Landscape Design are focused on the issue of settlements and urbanized
landscapes. The issue is addressed to various scales according to the specific assignment as: part of the settlement,
the settlement as a whole, the settlement in the landscape or the landscape with the settlements. Student works focus
on settlements of various sizes and importance. The issue of development of settlements and urbanized landscape is
solved using the tools of urban study or land-use planning.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The particular requirements are specified in the assignment of the Master's thesis which the students receive in written form. The Master's thesis usually comprises:
- theoretical part in scope specified in the thesis assignment
- textual part
- urban context
- architectural and operational design
- structural design
- physical model
Mandatory participation at one consultation per week as specified by the supervisor and at the interim critiques. Mandatory submission of the project complying with the conditions specified in the assignment of the Master's thesis and meet the deadline (specified in the thesis assignment).
Upon the agreement with the teacher, the absences in the classroom can be compensated via online participation.
- By elaboration and defense of their Master's thesis, students demonstrate their skills, abilities and knowledge required by the graduate profile.
- By elaboration and defense of their Master's thesis, students demonstrate their readiness to enter the practice and and the following levels of their professional training, namely attaining the Czech Chamber of Architects certification.
- By elaboration and defense of their Master's thesis, students demonstrate their ability to independently design architectural and operational building solutions for a whole range of requirements on operation, structure and/or urban design.
- By elaboration and defense of their Master's thesis, students demonstrate their ability to apply all legal requirements and standards on the architectural/urban design.
- By elaboration and defense of their Master's thesis, students demonstrate the ability to give adequate theoretical explanation of their proposal.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
- compulsory prerequisite
Landscape Design - compulsory prerequisite
Structures and Indoor Environment of Buildings - compulsory prerequisite
Information Literacy - compulsory prerequisite
Architect´s Practice - compulsory prerequisite
Master Thesis Seminar - compulsory prerequisite
Construction Law in Architectural Practice - compulsory prerequisite
Construction Process - compulsory prerequisite
Theory and Aesthetics in Architecture - compulsory prerequisite
Elaboration of Master´s Thesis Concept M3 - compulsory prerequisite
Specialized Professional Internship - compulsory prerequisite
Theory of Urban Design
Basic literature
GEHL, Jan. Města pro lidi. Brno: Partnerství, 2012, xi, 261 s. : il. (převážně barev.), plány ; 26 cm. ISBN 978-80-260-2080-6. (CS)
HAYS, Michael (Ed.) Architecture Theory Since 1968. Cambridge - MA: MIT Press, 1998. ISBN 978-0262581882. (EN)
HNILIČKA, Pavel. Sídelní kaše: otázky k suburbánní výstavbě kolonií rodinných domů. 2., dopl. vyd. Brno: Host, 2012, 207 s. : il., mapy, plány ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-80-7294-592-4. (CS)
IMHOF, Barbra; GRUBER, Petra (Eds.). Build to Grow. Zurich: Springer, 2016. (EN)
KRATOCHVÍL, Petr. Veřejný prostor v ohrožení?: aktuální problémy městského veřejného prostoru z pohledu společenskovědních disciplín. Praha: Artefactum, 2018, 143 stran : ilustrace. ISBN 978-80-88283-18-8. (CS)
LYNCH, Kevin, Lenka POPELOVÁ a Jaroslav HUŤA. Obraz města = The image of the city. Praha: Polygon, 2004, xi, 202 s. : il., plány. ISBN 80-7273-094-0. (CS)
MALLGRAVE, Harry Francis. Architectural Theory: Volume I – An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870. Oxford UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. ISBN 978-1405102582. (EN)
NEUFERT, Ernst a Peter NEUFERT. Navrhování staveb: zásady, normy, předpisy o zařízeních, stavbě, vybavení, nárocích na prostor, prostorových vztazích, rozměrech budov, prostorech, vybavení, přístrojích z hlediska člověka jako měřítka a cíle. 2. české vyd., (35. něm. vyd.). Praha: Consultinvest, 2000, 618 s. : il., plány. ISBN 80-901486-6-2. (CS)
NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian, Petr KRATOCHVÍL a Pavel HALÍK. Genius loci: krajina, místo, architektura. 2. vyd. Praha: Dokořán, 2010, 219 s. : il., mapy, plány ; 25 cm. ISBN 978-80-7363-303-5. (CS)
OSWALT, Philipp. Shrinking cities. New York: Distributed by D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2006. ISBN ISBN978-3-7757-1682-6. (EN)
SCHLAFFEROVÁ, Hannelore. City: Život v ulicích plánovaného města. Zlín: Archa, 2017. ISBN 978-80-87545-48-5. (CS)
SIMON, Herbert A. The Sciences of the Artifitial. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1969. ISBN 978-0262691918. (EN)
SITTE, Camillo a Vladimír BURIÁNEK. Stavba měst podle uměleckých zásad. 2. české vyd. ÚÚR : ABF, 2012, 111 s. : il., 1 portrét, plány, faksim. ; 23 cm. ISBN 978-80-87318-21-8. (CS)
Vyhláška č. 501/2006 Sb. o obecných požadavcích na využívání území. (CS)
Recommended reading
Česká architektura (ediční řada). Praha: Prostor. (CS)
Zlatý řez (časopis). Praha: Zlatý řez. ISSN 1210-4760. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N_A+U Master's 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization --- (do 2022) , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional